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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Wrong. Heres a real winnar. https://thejoojoo.com/sites/ Intel atom processor, nvidia ion graphics.. This thing would run any modern game on low settings (as long as you can hack windows onto it, should be able to)
  2. I had a feeling that 42 midgets could defeat a lion anyways, especially fighting midgets. Now 42 midgets vs a BEAR, I'd pay big money to see that.
  3. I've given up on that station edit: EVERY FM STATION IN COLUMBUS entirely. Pandora in my car FTMFW. Seriously, it went to shit after blazer and mo left. They had the best morning show. When they do get a good band on the air, they play their shittiest song, and overplay the hell out of it.
  4. nothing with that car was right. They are sweet gauges (the ones in my friends car didn't work) it also talked to you.
  5. my friends 84 300zx was convertible after the accident.
  6. You could just use a IM app. That wont show up on your bill
  7. I got a gesture lock on my phone that I would play dumb and say I put it into that mode and don't know how to get it out, so there's no way I could be texting.
  8. License Status as of 04/06/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: NONE ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** never been stopped for any reason..never been in an accident. my life is boring
  9. isn't it normally engraved on the back?
  10. I guess I'll just stick to masturbating while driving. Meh. I learn to live without the dirty text.
  11. Ban "dumb bitch" drivers is the obvious solution
  12. Err, what if I have been using speech to text on my droid? I'm not "texting" in its traditional sense, but that message is there in my history. Then if I am playing with GPS on my phone it looks like I sent a text, and I wasn't "texting"
  13. WOW. Listened on a very nice pair of earbuds.. PERFECT except the echoes sound wrong for my room. Tempting to do a microphone setup similarly to this and trying it..
  14. you are all just mad that they don't offer a rainbow plate yet.
  15. YA SRSLY. freshman, no car here asshole
  16. Donate the car and the sharpies and I'd do it.
  17. http://columbus.craigslist.org/spo/1644848956.html and if you want to beat the shit out of some kids http://columbus.craigslist.org/spo/1664168028.html
  18. Go on craigslist and get something used, its rather expensive new.
  19. I am going to need a committed relationship.
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