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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. That is a cool color.. Gives you the dark shine of black without being too blue. e: get a full exhaust, i bet that v10 sounds amazing.
  2. Bugless Beast .8 (.9 is coming out shortly)
  3. Unless you turned it off, contacts and calendar events should back up to your google account. I'd log into it and check to make sure in the event that you have to reset your phone. Although, a app force closing shouldn't be enough reason to reset everything. Did you change any settings recently? However, if you are going to be resetting the phone, you should just load a custom rom onto it
  4. Just watched the video.. I have a relative with parkinsons. If I witnessed that I would most likely leave in a police car or an ambulance, depending on how rallied up I got.
  5. Did you install the latest from the market or download from the site? 1.1 from the site has never closed on me, I couldn't get the latest to work at all.
  6. Sometimes other apps can cause the process to act up. Theres a number of things you can do. a. Restart your phone b. Go to the market and get Advanced Task Manager, use it to kill off unneeded apps c. Maybe see if there is a calendar app you like better out on the market
  7. where the hell do you get the hydrogen peroxide for it?
  8. its supposed to? heh. Maybe move what you got on your left most screen to the middle.. Anyways, having the spots for 4 apps across all screens on helix is just a time saver, and makes my main screen look much nicer. I've been trying to "redecorate" my main screen though lol
  9. Gmail is bad business plan. Android has no business plan. Eric Schmidt is a real stand up guy, money isn't what influences him to push his company to do such things.
  10. bugless beast ese53 with i think adamz 1.1ghz kernel. Also using HelixLauncher 1.1 (get it, its the sex) May try reloading kernel tonight to see if I can get wifi working again. Maybe give chevys another try, it used to send me into a reboot loop.
  11. By "did me so properly" I image you mean :barf: But I have to agree with you
  12. This is why I only play games on my PC. Then I get to pay fair prices, and get additional content for free.
  13. but it is 50 cents a bottle on the beach, available on tap everywhere, and is safer than the water
  14. 1. Corona 2. Budlight 3. any beer I don't pay for 4. Becks 5. Really really cheap beer
  15. Oh please fucking no. And also, someone got a link to the pay-2-watch-eat site?
  16. No, he condems people who don't know how the fuck to drive a car, let alone a prius.
  17. So verizon is pissed because google may become a competitor in cellphone service? Well fuck verizon, thats what capitalism is all about. And if google does it 10x better (not hard vs. verizon) then lucky me.
  18. That vert looks like such a fun cruiser. Do you know what kind of power it makes? Welcome to the board.
  19. A carbed 460? All you need now is a giant "FUCK PRIUSES" sticker and you're set.
  20. This man should be given a medal, for telling it like it is.
  21. unfunnyryan


    That is the true spirit of this town.
  22. Maybe this will be a good presentation of how reliable the new Tauruses actually are. They wouldn't release the ecoboost motor without knowing the abuse it would take. But I still would rather see police using diesels.
  23. You all suck. Its not what at the frontend that counts anyways. None of you know power until you have a setup like this running in your house. http://ryanhallarn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/wpid-2009-12-03-18.16.47-1.jpg PS: One of those servers is a intel atom running hackintosh snow leopard server. Fuck you all, I'm the best.
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