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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. http://www.break.com/index/human-dog-hybrid-eats-its-lunch.html
  2. Future episode of mythbusters material right there.
  3. 24v mod? I would just skip that entirely and do the 49cc swap.
  4. Find someone skilled at guitar repair/maintenance to clean it up a bit. Then use it as a awesome wall decoration until you need the money edit: that is a beautiful guitar btw, congrats on your find!
  5. on my Mac it crashes firefox.. which is funnier than the video.
  6. http://i45.tinypic.com/2vxkbj6.jpg
  7. Chris at play. http://i45.tinypic.com/oqezau.jpg
  8. hybrid supercars are a pointless joke. That 78mpg figure was probably obtained the same way the volt gets 200mpg. And how many 500hp car owners do you know that drive slow all day?
  9. You are comparing a jailbroken iphone to a presumably stock droid? :gtfo: Come compare your iphone to my 1.2ghz droid. Maybe someone with a Nexus One will come and play too.
  10. I played it for my self to see the new ending my self. I like where its going.
  11. I'd get a second check on that electrical and HVAC though.
  12. http://www.macrumors.com/2010/03/03/valve-teases-upcoming-half-life-release-for-mac/ shits about to get even more interesting.
  13. Some of those images of forumlas and such are pictures of forumlas you can see on the walls in HL2. But don't tell anyone I told you that
  14. 2.9 or T6? S80 is a lot heavier.
  15. Nice, although I can imagine how much cold air would be let into your house opening that door in the winter.
  16. Just ban the fucking troll already. He can talk all the shit he wants because he lives in Cleveland and would never have to take on anyone in a race. PS: My volvo is faster than your MR2.
  17. Glad that dd-wrt worked out for you! It really is amazing how much it outperforms the default software on virtually any storebought router.
  18. Holy shit.. I read about 20 pages then skipped to the end to see if it had been summed up a bit. This doesn't surprise me at all coming from Valve. Its things like this that make each and everyone of their games a stellar piece of art.
  19. washed up should be better
  20. So you are going to make it shittier
  21. I think apple holds the patent on the $25 spare battery. Wait, they don't.
  22. http://www.macrumors.com/2010/01/14/kodak-files-patent-infringement-suits-against-apple-research-in-motion/ http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/10/nokia-sues-apple-for-patent-infringement/ http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Apple-Guilty-Patent-Infringement,news-3834.html ??????????????
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