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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I know what you are talking about, but in my case the DVD drive didn't fail for 2 months later. Could of shortened its life (but apple dvd drives die all the time anyways) but it was not the direct cause of failure, which is what made me I would love a toughbook if the specs weren't 4 years behind, but high specs aren't the purpose of them I guess. Having a laptop that can double as a weapon makes you the king of starbucks.
  2. blown out of proportion. Fishing industry is huge (think private fishing ponds, rods, bait, ect) there is no way any major bans would ever go through.
  3. Not even a drop. Small cosmetic damage to the bottom cover casing where it bent in a SMALL amount on the corner, and I even fixed it myself to where it isn't noticeable. It is like getting a fender bender voiding a powertrain warranty on a car.
  4. At least when my android phone reboots, I don't get locked out of root access until I get access to a computer again. Oh, and I would like to DISS apple for refusing to honor the warranty on my macbook pro. I have minor damage to a corner on it, just a tiny bit bent aluminum. One day my dvd drive stops functioning. So when I go to replace it they tell me they cannot because it could of been caused by the previous cosmetic damage. Basically, I have no warranty on my laptop anymore.
  5. im wondering how it chooses what sound to output... fluctuations in voltage or accelerometer?
  6. Mine is rooted and overclocked to twice the original processor speed and doesn't reboot more than once a week. The standard roms are rock solid for the most part, especially when 2.1 comes out. I'm on a 2.1 dev release custom rom and it is stupid fast.
  7. Someone may or may not plague and lurker your probes during this.
  8. Sure. Think your carriers can do shit against 6 defilers and 80 hydras? (they cant)
  9. Now that I think about it a bit more, lets make that $60 per game/race. Once again, we are talking blizzard-ACTIVISION here. They started the whole $60 game trend.
  10. The gov. isn't responsible for the falling dollar and poor economy, people who make frivolous spending choices are.
  11. WE REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PYLONS I should look into downloading that leaked beta.. Oh, and WHAT? they are charging for each race? What the flying fuck! That sounds like some Activision bullshit right there.
  12. you said you didn't need it for gaming but just multi monitors so why do you need sli? I have a crossfire only board that will let me throw in 2 nvidia @ards at once and use a monitor on either, just no sli in games.
  13. Most new chipsets support sata port multipliers, if you really need a ton of storage I would just get a sata multiplier backplane
  14. They are doing the same thing except in a H configuration instead of an X. And they added a turbo and an electric motor. I think your link is better as it has actually been tested and isn't a concept.
  15. +1, microcenter will save you nearly $100 on a i7 920.
  16. eco motor? wouldn't a 2 stroke be much less eco friendly?
  17. Nope, just a lot of priuses that get on the highway and like to pretend they are Supras.
  18. Slightly off topic..Have you looked into using Nvidia CUDA based programs for your video compression? Check out Badaboom. It'll use your video cards to compress/encode files, which is stupid fast compared to using a CPU.
  19. Won't be playing. I will never touch another EA shit filled product, no matter how hyped.
  20. it makes bad tits look like fake tits? I'm sold!
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