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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. terrible, but i laughed like a maniac. It was fucking flying around the thing, it was bound to happen..
  2. Something I've noticed is that BMW X-series drivers are ALWAYS assholes on the road. This doesn't differentiate from many other BMW drivers in person.
  3. I saw a chevy cargo van like that on morse rd once, with some REALLY tiny wheels. It was one of the saddest things I have ever seen.
  4. ahhh something to do in class today
  5. Except it was a ninja Volvo :ninja:
  6. You might have another application changing the time. Its a bit of a bitch to figure out.
  7. If I'm still in town saturday night I'll show up and bring you some lulz.
  8. Since I'm in town, if I'm awake by then (probably not, since I'm posting at 4:21am) I might head out just to get some food. I'll recognize none of you but I'll just say hi to every table.
  9. THIS is why stuff from china is so cheap, and why businesses move their shit there. You can do whatever you want, and pay whatever you want. I wonder what their life expectancy is though with however much shit is in their air.
  10. What are your needs for the car? Are you going to have other people in it? People in the backseats? Some of these cars are just too small for passengers. A luxury car should be luxurious for everyone.
  11. look on craigslist. highschool kids steal these from eachother all the time and then sell them. Few years back I remember one kid getting his locker searched after they found weed on him, and they found like 16 calculators.
  12. I drove my dads 04 acura TL again today. I imagine its the same engine or similar, but damn, the power in this car is spread all over the place.
  13. Best Seats: my volvo, or any of the recent ones. Most badass get-the-fuck-out-of-my-way-im-in-dallas-bitch: Friends step-dads 06 F350 Crew Cab turbo diesel.
  14. House centipede. They usually leave people alone, rarely biting, but they can leave minor bites. They are creepy, yes, but they are eating all the other bugs in your house. Generally if your house is going to be infested with bugs, these ones aren't that bad.
  16. The car is hot as shit. I don't think its priced for those who would race the thing though (except for professional race car drivers with too much money) Specs on this thing? Did I see a 9k RPM redline in the video?
  17. They call this a feature in their commercials.. I guess car thieves don't buy new cars anyways...Although if I had a car with onstar it would be the first step of weight reduction.
  18. it will be far too expensive and verizon won't give a fuck because they are still the largest.
  19. 3rd in line for this offer
  20. Yeah, but I guess I underestimated them if they are capable of interplanetary travel. http://image.modified.com/f/17410462/0405_11z+2004_Saturn_ION_Red_Line+Full_Engine_Bay_View.jpg That must be it right there. I don't see any solar panels though
  21. Well how is he supposed to pay that electric bill without it?
  22. If it went up 6000KWH in 5 days, thats 50KW/hr. By any chance do you have 25 hair dryers plugged in running non stop? I would tell them to come and fix your fucking meter.
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