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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I cant even imagine what an iPhone would cost on verizon. Don't forget that apple gets share of the service cost.
  2. Keep you buying? are you crazy? They have even extended the warranty for RROD failures. Just send it in.
  3. I'm really happy for her, and I'm going to let her finish, but Miley Cyrus is one of the hottest teenage performers of all time.
  4. The supercharger on that thing sounds like something being stabbed to death. I love it.
  5. Buy a gun. Speak loudly about your plot to kill the neighbors. But more seriously, I would call the police about it. Do whatever you can to get them to take note of the situation, so if anything happens in the future you have prior allegations.
  6. I'm a little puzzled at the possible difficulties in turbocharging a motor with no overlap in the power stroke. Wouldn't all intake valves be closed at one point (because they can only be open for 1/4th a cycle in a 4 stroke engine), forcing pressurized air out a wastegate or through some recirculation?
  7. Don't worry if you don't buy one, they get your money anyways.
  8. EDIT: DISREGARD the facebook picture. Apparently its some average looking white guy. They just had his picture on TV
  9. 9 confirmed dead now. "shooter has an arabic sounding name" - MSNBC. Also on MSNBC - a few minutes ago from a helicopter camera view, you could HEAR several gunshots.
  10. I have two saying thanks and two basically stating that I'm a retard sounds about right
  11. Yes, because she would be easier to turn a profit with.
  12. Back when I had my motorola Q, it was just tall enough that I could shove it between the top and center of the wheel and have instant hands-free.
  13. Exactly, how do you guys not find that interesting?
  14. I would love to work at a hotel-casino, possibly as a bellhop or at the front desk. A friend of mine worked at a hotel for a while and always had the coolest stories about shit stains everywhere and suicides.
  15. "Notice the Red Valve Cover!" that car must be fast.
  16. My cat will do that. She'll actually stand on two legs reaching for it.
  17. http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs116.snc3/16348_173634887372_601507372_3447945_5611743_n.jpg
  18. It was like watching The Sims, minus the shit smearing.
  19. I thought the purpose of an ATV was to be able to go on all terrains, not just a straight line of asphalt. The exhaust tone on those suck too.
  20. I don't feel like drawing it up but it involves me wearing this shirt out on a saturday night http://i33.tinypic.com/scwdbl.jpg
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