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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. can someone copy/paste or screenshot it so I dont have to register?
  2. I didn't expect much of the seller, when they mentioned they had been living in it.
  3. Thats a dumb design honestly. Something like this would be quite a bit more practical, however its not meant for pedestrians.
  4. That sounds like a insurance coverup for not paying attention.
  5. They also have their own private navy where they sign a contract for 1 billion years, where you must return as your reincarnation to serve for the remainder of your term. Thats not too bad, really. Whats 1 billion years compared to the Galactic Confederacy's ruling of the universe for eighty trillion years. I don't care what religion anyone is or isn't...as long as you aren't a scientologist. Oh, and everything I just wrote is 100% accurate to scientologist beliefs.
  6. I think he forgot to add "With decent network speed and reliability" Thats not exclusive to the droid anymore. They got that running on a G1 with some hacking.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcom8_ArYA8&feature=player_embedded this makes me sad.
  8. I had a long conversation with a verizon guy just 2 days ago. He was one of the smarter ones I've talked too (he openly talked about the joys of hacking android phones for free tethering on verizon ) But he said that buying anything at this time of year is just a bad idea, due to sales that will come up, and all of the new phones that are usually released right before the holiday season.
  9. A brown cobra sounds like something that would come out of my butt. If it had red on the back of it I would see a doctor.
  10. AVOID THE DROID There is far better phones coming out around christmas time, at which time you should be able to pick up a cheap used droid anyways.
  11. I can get .223 for 30 cents a round
  12. I have nothing against Kia. Would I drive one? No. Would I say the forte is a good choices for a inexpensive daily driver, with exceptional features, and very cheap to maintain? Probably. Check out this part of a review I found: I think we all have to admit, 7 sec 0-60 is fine for a daily driver. Most reviews online say this is the car they are trying to change their image with, so I say try it out.
  13. I don't fully agree on the torture, but they should definitely be put to forced labor somehow... Maybe they could be used to save GM and Chrysler?
  14. Why do all the good things in life have to be fake
  15. My G5 is JUST about on its 2nd year of service. Still absolutely nothing wrong with it. That microsoft mouse looks like a bunch of plastic snapped together in a hurry. I'm guessing it would be pretty easy to break, just by squeezing it too hard.
  16. One more argument to benefit myself. "but its for you're own health"
  17. Thats just reckless. Not for the computer concerns, but the ISP ones
  18. I emailed the guy telling him "its a car no one else has because no one wants to drive around in a overpriced pile of shit"
  19. I don't even use antivirus on any of my windows installations. Common sense is more than enough to keep them running flawless. Ands for the mac users (myself included) be aware that Safari is essentially the least secure web browser you can use. There is plenty of malicious code out there for safari
  20. Apple is a cold, hard bitch with the branding of their products. With their logo, stands a LOT of reputation that Verizon could potentially fuck up by giving a wonderful product a shit-treatment. Verizon would never get away with it.
  21. American, anything else is commie air.
  22. Cut down all your trees. Ever since we got rid of two giant maples in our front yard it hasn't been too bad
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