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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. All ducks must wear long pants.
  2. You're not supposed to be printing these..under consumer it says you can't reproduce them.
  3. thats my birfday no way in hell i'll be up that early lol
  4. I'm betting the only reason the F35 is so cheap in comparison is that it is using all the technologies developed for the F22.. Development of that kind of stuff cost big $$$
  5. I'm bored as fuck. I might still take them. If I don't like them I have a friend I can sell them to. edited: I did some research, and apparently 35w kits are a tad bitchy in my car. I'll get back to this later tonight. edit2: found instructions for the fix (http://www.xenonvalot.com/xenonfixvolvo.html) so I'll take these now
  6. I'm pretty sure that when the laws were written, no one even dreamed of a road car capable of more than 200mph.
  7. Damn, I could use these for my highbeams or low beams. That cabling looks like a PITA to install though.
  8. You could try this your self.. http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4796797_removing-dents-heat.html
  9. Can anyone on here inspect AC systems? Mine runs, doesn't blow any hot air or anything, but its just so weak compared to any other car I've been in, and seems like nothing compared to the AC in my moms BMW. I've had it recharged before, but I don't know if they did all that great of a job (if they did anything at all...)
  10. That car reminds me of a succubus.. Wonderful on the outside..vile on the inside.. Awesome car though. Scratched my head for a minute wondering WTF when I saw the interior pictures..
  11. I'd love to have it, but it would be a stupid buy on my part since I'll be in college in a month anyways.
  12. I have several times that amount in front of me right now..
  13. Its like a fucking pontoon boat on wheels..
  14. those look like volvo rims http://markpitts.googlepages.com/IMG_0712.JPG fail.
  15. Someone friend him on myspace and see if theres any activity during that time on the 4th. Oh, and if his parents can say he didn't do it, I'm certain someone in the neighborhood who doesn't like the kid will go forward and say they saw him do it.
  16. +1 for fire edit: apparently some of the wasp stuff is flammable, for double the fun.
  17. http://img2.moonbuggy.org/imgstore/north-korea-is-best-korea.jpg
  18. I took a look at it, and its a bit more than I want to work with. Can't help you. It was just throwing fits left and right for me when I tried stuff.
  19. unfunnyryan


    Pig cooked like that is the best shit on earth.
  20. If you have the original .fla file, I can edit it for you. How much needs done?
  21. I was right by cosi, literally under the fireworks. I had ash raining on me.
  22. My friend just got a new car and is looking to build a sound system for it. This is right in his price range too. He's away right now but I forwarded it all to him.
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