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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I think the rear end looks better that way But that really fucking sucks though.
  2. whats the watt output/equivilant on them? are they any good?
  3. That flip down TV completely blocks your rearview mirror doesn't it
  4. That interior looks like junk. Outside of the car is pretty cool looking though. Maybe a bit of viper got into that stealth/lotus mix? I think this is the best new styled car I've seen in a while.
  5. I'd buy those 120s if I weren't already also running 4x160s..Mine are in RAID10 though. I want to do it all over with some velociraptors
  6. unfunnyryan

    Swine flu

    hoax is probably the wrong word, but regardless, blown all out of proportion by the media. Making something that is probably going to be a very small issue into a worldwide scare.
  7. unfunnyryan

    Swine flu

    I bet this is all a hoax/over hyped illness like SARS to get the drug companies moar money.
  8. From what I heard, Verizon didn't take the iPhone because they didn't want apples music store to compete with their (shitty, and unused) music store. Smooth move Verizon.
  9. unfunnyryan

    Sad Day

    How do you know you're not actually at 200k miles?
  10. Best thing I've seen in a while. Thanks for posting.
  11. Theres a parasite released by cats that makes rodents not be afraid of their urine/feces (and possibly be attacted to it) If you've ever been near cat poopy you probably have the parasite - although its not supposed to do anything to humans I tihnk...except maybe put out.
  12. That thing is going to look fucking hot when its done.
  13. On craigslist someone had a pair of 9600gts for $100. Great SLI combo.
  14. http://www.dreamhost.com search on google, you can get ~$80 off with coupon codes for a 2 year plan.
  15. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1130315841.html if you could find a supercharger for it that would be a fun beater edit: Heres a neon that can do 30+ mph! Fuck yeah! http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1130198227.html
  16. Yeah thats where we go (in arlington) you just drive in and throw your waste onto the pile and leave. heres the location: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=40.006777,-83.106744&spn=0.005892,0.013947&t=h&z=17
  17. I've always wanted a naget. They are tough, cheap, and powerful. Now that I know how cheap they are I might be making a similar thread soon
  18. Well fuck. I wanted to go to this and I was actually up early this morning.
  19. unfunnyryan


    This posting has been flagged for removal (The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.) uh huh
  20. Nothing says I love Jesus better than skulls and playboy bunnies
  21. Murphys has always been Mr. Slaves favorite
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