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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. My lights are always on... But I really want to know, is there any law saying you have to have your wipers on? What about SNOW?!? That's like frozen rain! OH NO!
  3. He isn't fucking dead --- you can't kill vampires. Not by a "heart attack" at least. Its going to take pictures of wooden stakes through every inch in his body before I believe he is dead.
  4. What the fuck? A Chihuahua? I would of just punted the damn thing.
  5. You left out the 10 year warranty you get with those. With how great all their other cars are doing, it REALLY makes me think about how nice a Genesis would be.
  6. Thats not bad at all for a 2500lb car..
  7. nice! I fucking LOVE marauders.
  8. team HORSECOCKOSAUROUS. We may not have won any games, but we had the classiest fucking name while doing it
  9. We took off from OSU, did a few touch and goes at mansfield, then back to OSU.
  10. Piper Cherokee Warrior. It seemed like it was pretty capable, but what do i know. My brother said his instructor did a barrel roll in it.
  11. Edit: it was in hilliard. I was out flying with my brother today and we saw a bunch of smoke so we flew over to check it out. I didn't have my good camera on me at the time, but I got a pretty cool picture of it regardless. (big image) http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/8030/dscn0640t.jpg
  12. This. Its $100 million being spent to PREVENT Iraq#2 from happening.
  13. I'd see if any of the programs hes using takes advantage of CUDA or a Quadro card.. It might be worth investing in one of those.
  14. why don't you insulate your car with some sort of dynamat equivalent product to try and cut down on engine/road/exhaust noise?
  15. Do you like ginger nuts, in your mouth?
  16. You running mac or windows...No filter/firewall stops me.
  17. A vet killed my dog once. But we were having her put down (taking the dog out of pain, 16 years old)
  18. its looking a lot better than when we last saw it in a thread a bit back. I think this thing could be a good product if they get it out the door soon enough.
  19. Red light cameras have a amnesty period, where the camera doesn't become armed until about a second after the light turns red (this is what I've heard numerous times, may be wrong) You can fight it in court if you swear it wasn't you driving. But if they ever find out it was you, you are fucked. I would not try fighting it after posting about it on here.
  20. they can already use OnStar to track you without a warrant, was only a matter of time before this shit started to happen. Seriously, how good of a signal can one of these get under a car, or wherever they put it.
  21. wtf, go to the interior pictures. There is some sort of shag carpet patch in the middle of the dashboard
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