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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Buy me a nice dinner and then we'll talk.
  2. Sorry, but unless that is coming with a LCD you are not going to get anywhere near $200 for that.
  3. "But officer, I didn't abuse my engine. It fell down the stairs while I was drinking."
  4. the sexual assault part was pretty bad...Otherwise it looked sort of like the OSU vs PSU riots. never underestimate stupid people in large numbers.
  5. No unions for either of them. Hyundai is just about the only car company making a profit right now. Their new cars are pretty good too. They deserve it if you ask me. If Chrysler or GM made a turn around like Hyundai did in the last decade, we wouldn't be in this mess.
  6. Thats what I would do. All you would need is a nice custom theme to go with it and you're set.
  7. http://www.easy-clan.com/ski/kevin/easter-bunny-porn.jpg HAPPY EASTER TO YOU
  8. Yeah, lets take more integras off the street!
  9. I never said I was anti gun, but I can see how you got that out of my post. I'm the opposite. Yes, I own two guns that were in my grandmas basement for a unknown period of time. One is a japanese arisaka type 99 and the other is some old .22/.410. The arisaka has never been shot because ammo has to be ordered, but I have shot the other gun while out camping at my friends farm in urbana. I need to buy a better .22 for shooting cans one of these days.
  10. I hate irresponsible reporting, even if I agree with what they are saying. All it does is make stupid people stupider.
  11. Missed it last night but DVR caught it. Best episode in quite a while.
  12. Right, the marines went in their armed. I'm much more likely to shoot someone if they are armed rather than unarmed. I know the Somalis are some crazy fucking bastards, but on google I was only able to find 2 people on hijacked boats that were killed by pirates. You all can have your opinions, I'll have mine. There is not enough data out their to prove either side right or wrong.
  13. There was a chinese boat not long ago where they quickly made some molotov cocktails and threw them at the pirates boat. The pirates made it on, but then the crew just locked themselves inside. I thinking arming the crews would just put them in more danger. They are not going to shoot you if your unarmed.
  14. thats a steal at $350. I'll see if my dad wants it. I was going to give him mine when I get my laptop but I don't know if I could part from my baby.
  15. Oh and this wasn't the worst thread ever. This one was. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57788 Or was that the best thread ever..
  16. I'll take on your mazda with my volvo then i'll have sex with your ex.
  17. college visit that day and staying over night with brother. Oh well, can't make them all.
  18. Starting school at OU next year.. Looking at majoring in information and telecommunication systems. Might change.
  19. Barrow money from your parents. The Parents Bank has no interest, and can help make a great down payment for other loans.
  20. Well.. If I saw an artillery shell sitting out I'd take it too...
  21. Shit. Can't even tell what that car used to be. That does not look good for the people inside...
  22. Tim and Eric.. Fucking awesome. I saw them live a few months ago at the newport.
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