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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. This is probably one of the most memorable parts of the game The game had a really awesome story line so I think it really has potential to be an interesting movie
  2. The guy I bought my 16gb iPod touch from had to have me wait a while cause he had 2.0 on it. Its been out to developers for a while now apparently. He showed me 2.0 and there is very little that's new in it. That and you can't jailbreak it yet.
  3. Should be pretty easy unless you do something sneaky
  4. Soak it in alcohol, then take it apart to dry. The alcohol will clean out and impurities that are causing it to short.
  5. That was one of the best things I've watched in a long time.
  6. I'm still considering signing up. If I see some slower cars signed up I'll definitly go (hey, its the day after I turn 18 )
  7. I just checked my S60 (2003) and I either don't have one of those or I couldn't find it.
  8. Niiccee, very clean looking... ... is that an exhaust pipe sticking out the front fender...
  9. My moms BMW says castrol as well
  10. http://i26.tinypic.com/ibjkhi.jpg
  11. http://www.autobloggreen.com/2008/03/14/volvo-officially-announces-swedish-plug-in-hybrid-development-pr/
  12. On my brothers car, a 1999 ford explorer limited, the front left wheel bearings are going bad and has a bad whirring noise while driving. He took it to a garage and they said around $1000 to replace them both. Well I was able to find a hub assembly online for just $160. Can anyone recommend a better shop to do this kind of work in columbus, without getting it up the ass?
  13. Since were talking games, this reminds me of Team Fortress. On the left you got your scout, then your heavy weapons guy, soldier, and in the back sniper.
  14. That first picture looks too awesome to be true.
  15. I won't argue with you from what I've read I've been very lucky with my Q (I haven't had to restore it in over 6 months!). There is another Q revision coming soon that is supposed to be damn good.
  16. off topic - either of you play GTA4 on Live? on topic - I was hoping for a larger explosion (with the person living...of course) something along the lines of this
  17. Considering a iPhone isn't on the right frequancy (GSM gets all the best phones. Fuck you CDMA) to operate on Verizon, I think you can throw it out. The thing is, any verizon phone that isn't a smartphone you cannot modify the software at all. I have a motorola Q running windows mobile and being able to add applications is AWESOME. You won't get that with any phone you listed (besides the iPhone sort of) If you really want a nice phone with a touchscreen, wait for the HTC Touch Diamond to come out.
  18. I see your problem. It has to do with your firefox window saying "Internet Explorer" on it. (I KNOW I KNOW, its not firefox, its part of the damn joke)
  19. Stereo works the same way in my Volvo. Had to get a dealer to give me a code after I accidentally bumped a wire harness (even with battery unplugged) while I was installing my ipod kit. Antitheft is a pain sometimes.
  20. I didn't get to see the fireworks cause my friend had a flat tire. Majority of the problem was getting the spare off the back of his jeep (special key required) Vice grips do the trick. Good to hear the fireworks sucked though. Where his car was we wernt to far away and we could see a bit of it and it didn't look to great (couldn't even hear it) I'm just going to the Upper Arlington fireworks tommorow night.
  21. unfunnyryan


    Wow, I can say that I FUCKING LOL'D. +rep for you.
  22. None of mine have fully come in yet and I'm told I'm lucky because one of them never even developed. So really I only need to get 3 pulled some day..
  23. One of the best things I've watched in a while. The voices got annoying pretty quickly.
  24. http://www.mgroves.com/The-Barbies-of-Central-Ohio
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