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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I saw that this morning on TV, and I had a strong feeling of anger and laughter running through me at the same time. The only way someone could top this rickroll is if Obama did it during his inauguration..
  2. As far as we know, this may be exactly what happened.
  3. The Jetta TDI was just awarded greenest car if i remember correctly. Sort of a punch in the face to the prius.
  4. I have a test tomorrow morning. But I'm choosing to forget about it until I've finished taking it.
  5. I'll vouch for dreamhost too.. now that I think about it my 2 year plan ends this feb...
  6. Wow. Got a higher res version that you would like to share?
  7. 190MPH while having the aerodynamic properties of a brick. Awesome.
  8. unfunnyryan

    A real wrap

    I wonder if he plead "Not Guilty" Seriously, you have to be pretty dumb to do that.
  9. Burrito: Chicken Rice Mild/Fresh Salsa Cheese Lettuce. Been ordering the same damn thing for 2 years now.
  10. This is why I went out today when it was snowing to get used to how my new tires behave in the snow
  11. I'm doing my taillights this weekend hopefully. Heres the guide I'm following. http://volvospeed.com/Mods/tinting_vht_niteshade_imron.html Covers wetsanding and all. Also a short video at the end.
  12. I hope thats a typo and you meant something much larger than $500. Or a typo on the mileage. What do you have planned for it?
  13. California sucks. 50% of things in cali cause cancer and the other 50% is always on fire or some shit.
  14. One of my cats did this because he had a urinary tract infection so he would pee in little bits at a time in random corners.
  15. My volvo... it fairs pretty well. I got awesome tires on it now so this winter should be a bit better. My brother is also home for a couple months in the winter so we have his explorer with a set of snow tires for it. it does great with the snow tires and its good to have incase it gets really bad out and we need to get somewhere.
  16. When my mom last took her car in for service and she ended up with that as a loaner car. It was unbearably slow.
  17. Dense (cold) air leads to more boost... which only leads to more fun. Until you realize all the roads have been replaced with ice skating rinks.
  18. I heard advance auto would have I can't find it on their website or any other local website. Anyone have any tips so I don't have to pay shipping?
  19. unfunnyryan


    I see your second life divorce and raise you http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7730018.stm
  20. 9800GT is a pretty good bet in that price range. Its great bang for the buck and I bet you will be very happy with it.
  21. Those stripes really do make it unique. Makes you different then all the other plain black vettes out there. I don't really like them however.
  22. I don't think its been mentioned yet but an Eee PC can also run OSX. Not like there's a point in doing so though if it can run XP
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