Since everyone else was posting their car audio setups..
stock sound system, just have a custom unit to plug in my ipod via the cd-changer input on the back of the head unit. Held on with velcro for now
I've gotten 35MPG on fresh oil and fresh air filter going down 33 to athens to pick up brother at ohio university. In your face hybrids.
The way back I only got 31 though.
first buy one of these
then install this
then your network looks like this
You asked
Get a 1U server, install IPCop on it, put internet on RED connection, lan green, wireless on blue.
disable DHCP, set up fixed leases, and you should be good.
You could use a briefcase to make it a little easier.
Just create a briefcase on the comps you want it to save on and then drag the files to them from the network. From then on you can just click on update or w/e and it will automatically fetch those files (Well actually, it will only update files that have been changed to make it go a little quicker)