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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. How much you want for the damaged one?
  2. That's awesome! I'm willing to bet that is the result of some automotive research out of OSU
  3. There is none. That's just bullshit, but you know what? Cops are allowed to bullshit you too.
  4. So they're calling it "6 plus" but it's really only 5.5 inches? Way to steal a page out of my playbook, Apple.
  5. i think all the daughters have been dun befoe
  6. At night the tiny monster is a weapon its self...
  7. http://i.imgur.com/Vge3M7S.jpg
  8. Going to set up a webcam in clays direction to capture the spooshsplosion that occurs
  9. Where on earth did you pick that up? It's too pretty for your standard bubba'd m44
  10. It's pretty slick. Too bad it cant fit under some furniture or under ledges around cabinets. I'm guessing for the price you could buy several brand new neatos though...
  11. Given Toms analysis of the axle, I can see the two being possible events Poorly manufactured axle broke and caused all of the resulting damage Axle was not the initial cause, but poor manufacturing led to further damage Obviously its something that's going to require more analysis to be sure.
  12. She would of laughed. http://i.imgur.com/guUzNcy.jpg
  13. one day her body will be rediscovered and it will confuse the fuck out of anthropologist
  14. Go to gadgetease on sawmill/hard or fishinger road. $45. Call ahead and make sure they have one.
  15. I'm in an actual boat. Nice pickup though. heres the only pic of mine before I charted the seas. http://www.charterworld.com/images/yachts/Show%20Boat%20-%20%20%20Flybridge%20Controls.jpg
  16. holy shit megathread.... ... Want to see whos accord is slower? probably my slow heap
  17. Of course. He is my inspiration for BM'ing other players
  18. Anyone aware if TWC is prepping to unroll their MAXX service, or at least 100mbps in Columbus? I logged into my modem today to find 8x4 channel bonding, when I previously remember 6x2 or 4x2. http://puu.sh/bekRp/a584d94d07.png How to check how many channels your modem is bonding (for motorola modems) go to login with username admin, password motorola click connection on the left.
  19. I was going to ask. Assuming terran... I recently regained my zerg diamond status.
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