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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Apple cider sipping motherfucker. Thanks for hosting doc!
  2. Friend of mine buys his .308 exclusively from freedommunitions. Says it's far better than factory ammo at a better price.
  3. tldr: get a IS350 or GS350 and retain the joy of a lasting car. http://i.imgur.com/NYNGIs2.jpg
  4. walked away like he's done it a million times
  5. $50 to the first person to use it on their dick
  6. I remember reading in the past that the stuff is very carcinogenic.
  7. If anyone wants to set up a group buy I can get these at like $7-8 a pop.
  8. http://whoiwanttoworkwith.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/dave-chapelle-rfacist.jpg
  9. saddest part of this story is that looked like a pretty nice truck
  10. I'd do the same thing as the cops. Someone that fucking nuts wouldn't flinch pulling a gun and unloading back on you. You don't know if he has a gun.
  11. Free colonoscopys, the health care system works!
  12. http://weknowgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/charlton-heston-laughing-gif.gif
  13. I had this same one for sale a while ago but matched it with a different amp and used it in my volvo for about 9 months. Volvo is gone, and I don't want to do anything to the new car yet so I'm getting rid of this for now. On it now is an American Pro Bass Machine 600w amplifier that has both RCA and high level inputs and complemented the premium sound in my volvo very well. Cat will be extra. $80 OBO It's a MTX sub, either 10" or 12", I'll measure tomorrow since it's late and I need to get to bed http://i.imgur.com/zy1ZOh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ii9uCh.jpg
  14. Call GadgetEase once a week and ask if they'll have one coming available. Probably $200 or less. 614-760-1400
  15. There is nothing wrong with the bionic if you root it and put the right custom rom on it. I was pulling 2 days battery out of mine.
  16. being organic based, I'm not sure frog lube would be the best choice for high cyclic rate weapons. I personally use it and while it does make dirt and residue wipe right off, I wouldn't trust it to that kind of duty of use. I kind of want to dig out my pyrometer and do some heat resistance test on some various oils now.
  17. Not unique to the windows key, it's a TPM, a trusted platform module. This can be a physical chip on a motherboard or made into a flash drive. If the motherboard fails and you lose your TPM key backup...you're fucked. Kinda-this.
  18. I have a lot of down time coming up, and spare bucks would be nice to have right now. So it's about time I put myself out there for some side work Here's a gist of the things I can do for you: Virus/Malware removal System reformat/reinstall/repair Data recovery and backup solutions. As far as data recovery, I can usually tell pretty quick if it is going to be successful or not. Teach features of all MS Office products Teach you the basics of Photoshop Design/price/build custom PCs Migration between machines Any and all home networking Laptop repair (varies) Ethically, there is a few things I am not willing to do I will not: Install any sort of keylogger for you Help you gain access to a childs/spouse/bf/gf machines or any of their private information Get you onto your neighbors wifi Go ahead and ask me if you have doubts, worst I can do is say no thank you. I take privacy VERY seriously. Not listed? Ask me. Depending on the job I can go to you, you can drop a machine off with me, or even do many things over Skype. Feel free to shoot me any question. Also, there are no stupid questions. If you think you have one, post it here and I'll answer it for freesies. Compensation: I'm very flexible. I am FAR cheaper than anyone you'll find in the phonebook. Shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do for you.
  19. Oh, and this is worth mentioning when you select a password for it all. Make up some silly phrase and throw a number and a capital in there, it doesn't matter how many or where. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/password_strength.png
  20. TrueCrypt all the way. http://www.maximumpc.com/article/howtos/how_to_encrypt_your_entire_hard_drive_the_easy_way_using_truecrypt
  21. incase you are bored with this one... http://clickingbad.nullism.com/
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