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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I'm not familiar with the arris modems, so I can't help much. Does the modem have built in wifi or multiple ports? I'm wondering if you've got a router behind router scenario going on.
  2. BMW. Particularly BMW X3/X5 drivers. I'm going to drive like a Alzheimers patient now that I own a Honda.
  3. It's a fucking smart, it doesn't need a speed limiter. 65mph downhill with a tailwind.
  4. People in this very thread are hoarding it.
  5. Can't tell if it's painted like that to disguise car or if it is painted like a checkered flag for all of the WIN involved with that body.
  6. You going off on the Honda dealer isn't going to accomplish much. You want Honda to go off on the dealer. 1 (800) 999-1009
  7. As an Onkyo fan, go with the Denon. Better value for the money. It's going to chew up those 4 ohm speakers the moment you crank it though.
  8. It's very rare that you need to trim pistol cases, usually its only necked cases that need trimmed. It's obvious that there is WAY too much crimp in the 3rd round as the brass is biting into the bullet. Do what jeremy said and raise the seating/crimp die.
  9. I did this years ago over AC not working when we had 90+ weather. The day the letter was delivered they had a new contractor out on site who fixed the problem in an hour.
  10. Thank you. No faith is being overruled here. No one is being forced what to believe. Does anyone recall this image? http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/civilrights/buildings/litlrck2.JPG There is a strikingly similar scenario at play here today. I'm not about to argue statistics over the opinion of the majority, but if we wish to progress as a society we must look back at our past. If a persons sexuality was as clear as the color of their skin, do you not think there would be people lining the doors of our schools, churches, libraries, threatening them not to enter? I will fight all day for you to have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. With that comes someones right to express their own sexuality. Does one right trump the other? No. The motive at play today is that a man was fired because he expressed a opinion that his employers found to be detrimental to the company. It was his employers opinion that it was best for him to leave. Sadly, this thread on the other hand has become an ill fated place full of of what everyone wants as their perfect society. Do you really think the past was better? Maybe some of you, where you didn't have to defend your actions or words. Do some of you really want to go back to the days Jim Crow law? Does no one but a heterosexual Christian white male deserve to exist? To all of you think that the past was a better time, I remind you that just 33 years ago, 19 year old Michael Donald was lynched in Mobile, Alabama. 15 years ago, 48 year old Shawn Allen Berry was dragged to death behind a truck. Racism is far from gone in this country, and so is hate against LGBT persons. While many major hurdles have been accomplished, there is still a unfathomable amount of negative opinions against all walks of life. Unfortunately, Phil Robertson beliefs happen to coincide with those views, views that are harmful in a society that must progress if we wish to not repeat the past. This is not an attack on Christianity or religion in general. In this country there are tens of millions of practicing Christians that accept people regardless of their character.
  11. That is hardly an accomplishment. +1 for gunenvy, my FFL transfer took only 5 minutes there the other day. Looked around and they had some decent deals.
  12. http://i.lvme.me/nawlh0h.jpg
  13. This. He has a right to his own opinion and I respect that. He doesn't have the right to a TV show or a job.
  14. No one posted about how he did it for the megalolz? http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/dec/18/ian-watkins-transcript
  15. Get a used dewalt/delta off craigslist if it's just light duty use
  16. month bump friendly reminder that the stig facebook page hasnt been updated in 3 months and they disallow all comments now, lol.
  17. would have to create a spark gap inside of a round, not going to happen with all that lovely metal surrounding it. Only if ludicrous amounts of current were traveling across the gun (to the point where the ends would begin glowing) would that hilarious scenario play out.
  18. I'm likely going to go with that minimalist stock once my lower comes in. You should buy it, hate it, then sell it to me.
  19. Bull shit. A friend of mine pissed purple once when Mt Dew Pitch Black was being pulled from store shelves. His brother worked at CVS and brought home 40 2-liters. This was back when we were in middle school, so my friend was drinking nearly 2 of these a day until day 3 where he was vomiting and pissing purple.
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