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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. After today at the range I decided I really want to get into something more challenging. Has anyone here participated in a IDPA match before? What does it take to get started?
  2. They're not a ton better for you (artificial sweeteners) but you can get crystal light things you mix with water that contain caffeine.
  3. Beautiful! Not super fond of the smoked taillights, but I'd love to see it in person.
  4. This is dumb criminal shit, no one scoped you. They saw a car they thought they would find stuff in and went for it. Meth heads think any merc is a richmans car.
  5. this thread http://i.imgur.com/i0XL3XD.gif
  6. Except that tracking was turned off and satellites don't track your position, they let you track your own. The engine data link satellites don't carry any positioning information.
  7. That's one way to destroy the value of something.
  8. Yep. Basically you're capturing signals that are being broadcasted continuously and interpreting them to locate where you are. There is no communication between the two. If someone had a sat phone on the other hand... But who knows if anyone on the plane really knew what was going on? Based on some of the crazy turns/altitude drops I'm sure they knew something was up. In the event of a suicidal captain, he could of said it was a problem, keep calm, everything's fine. Hell even hijackers could say that.
  9. My schedules good to go. I'll take any opening.
  10. Make a billion conspiracies and some of them are going to be right. Doesn't make them smart, just good at guessing.
  11. My guess... Free hardware, app will require monthly fee in future.
  12. :thumbup: Sounds like a good time to build a HTPC
  13. I had trouble with a few of them. A lot I could tell instantly something was out of place, even if I didn't identify it as human. Spend a week out in the woods and then look at this and you'll probably get all of the fairly quick.
  14. I'll try to be in for this! Not sure about 16-bit after sadly (unless someone promises to be my date and buy me drinks)
  15. I test drove a 2013 SI before the I got the accord. Every single time I hit 3k rpm i thought "well I'm already this close, might as well go to 8k and skip a shift" Fucking vtec.
  16. If only I had one less dog and three less cats...
  17. what carrier and what kind of video?
  18. Just a bit under, so I would say around 2050-2100 http://i.imgur.com/blugOEbl.jpg
  19. I'm retarded skipped mid into vid and didn't read this was a UR lambo, whoops.
  20. So how easy is it to fudge those numbers?
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