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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. usually gotta pay $50 for that
  2. :thumbup: If I ever get something unique/fast/notvolvo I want one of these plates.
  3. Props for something I've never seen before. It's a beauty.
  4. Can you write custom scripts/code for the cars? Along with soldering in some new parts, this would be my calling.
  5. Still here. Let's make it $80. Get it gone.
  6. http://www.coatesengine.com/ http://www.coatesengine.com/uploads/7/1/4/1/7141191/4406764_orig.jpg more valveless than camless, but w/e
  7. Anything claiming numbers that refers to the Affordable Care Act as "Obamacare" I instantly disregard as bullshit. Accredited institutions do not use derogatory names.
  8. That article is fucking bull. There are MANY systems at play that keep major websites online. Load distributors, round robin DNS systems, various forms of compression to keep bandwidth consumption down, etc. NONE of them can keep a substantial amount of the US PUBLIC all connecting at once from causing difficulties within the first iteration. What has happened here is simply a unintentional DDOS. I have personally never seen a "anticipated" website launch ever take a mass hit successfully. Fuck, reddit has the same thing happen every night around 9pm Now, as for the $643 million price tag for a website? I don't have anything to back that up, and neither does the news article (since the contract was for extended service and for 93.7 million) follow the links and it appears to point at basically nothing.
  9. Was there then as well. Hipster as fuck. More guys with glasses with fake lenses than real glasses. Jeans so tight the average sperm count was 13.
  10. stop posting about it and hoarding every brick you see and the price will drop.
  11. i understand some of the words in this thread dick butter i have posted in this thread.
  12. http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7039pVaPT1rtxen9o1_500.gif
  13. no... what they expelled in engineering and research vs how many total cars they will produce = that much lost per car. It will all be gains in the end when the research and technical knowledge is applied elsewhere.
  14. For 70k you can buy a 2011 F150 and a 2011 BMW 550i. No thanks.
  15. I'd pay another $60 for an expansion right now based on Trevor.
  16. My brother is a instructor. PM me and I can get you info on his rates.
  17. Took michaels ~200k or so from the first heist you pull off and put it into stock market, up to about 400k now. just gotta follow what missions are going to effect what stock prices.
  18. Use fuel injector hose, regular may not last depending on the amount of pressure going on. Also use these particular fuel clamps. http://www.delcity.net/images/photos/210602_primary.jpg source: a particular 99 explorer that has had this done to it since 08.
  19. one of the houses in the background before you start the video belongs to a friend of mine, lol
  20. caved in, bought it. 12 hours later: awesome.
  21. If you need another frog there is one in front of my house right now. Get it before I kill the noisy fuck.
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