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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. "The StG 44 (Sturmgewehr 44, literally "storm (or assault) rifle (model of 19)44" was an assault rifle developed in Nazi Germany during World War II"
  2. whole lotta stupid crammed into one thread
  3. whats the model # of your modem
  4. Hex receiver, pre war date (post wars can be OK, just not as cool as they never killed anything) No pitting/scratches in the bore, shorter barrels preferred (m44/m39, prepare to pay the price for them) Matching numbers is also essential.
  5. If you are lagging with uverse, there is a issue with lines in your area. I had uverse for a year and it was stupid quick. If you have good cabling in your area with time warner and solid wiring in your home, the new boxes on TW are fast enough for me.
  6. The guy was raised in Switzerland. He knows how shitty his country is. He is just putting on a show, and my god it's a good one.
  7. The new cisco boxes are handed out freely for Signature Home customers. Tough to get otherwise, but they kick ass, and are a lot smaller.
  8. I think not wrapping it is what made that story great in the first place.
  9. Saw a very similar one at the sawmill/161 area advanced auto last night around 7. Rims and all. They pulled away pretty quick too, truck was loud.
  10. Who does it? I want my 4" GP100 bead blasted. The all black with the hogue grip has started to annoy me. Matte with wood is what I desire:)
  11. 15,500 Listing here for someone so that they don't have to deal with craigslist hopefully. Let me start by saying this car is clean, and it has only 38k on the clock. 5 speed manual. Car is from the south, georgia I believe. It has been in Ohio for less than a year, never seen winter. Kept in garage with a cover on it. Any questions ask in here or PM me. I can provide you their number if you are serious. http://i.imgur.com/VIYBBIsl.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/BjXbdtGl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3o1PdRPl.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/5eEQYdJl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MPWouGml.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/LmVWH8bl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uJNvui3l.jpg
  12. if i vote neither can i have my voted counted towards bluemach/rubberlayin coming back?
  13. unfunnyryan

    New EDC

    Nice pickup. 3 mags to start is a hell of a deal nowadays with what the crazies are asking for. My ammo supply does not feel sorry for your lack of ammo however :ninja:
  14. A 36" sony tube TV weighing around 120lbs will stop at least 7 FMJ 40 S&W (from personal testing) I bet this baby could take a few .357s. GLWS.
  15. Yep. And take a look at this, a thread that was about me is now about you. You hit legend status in a matter of weeks.
  16. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/03/assault-weapon-ban-for-gun-control-loses-steam-89046.html?hp=l2
  17. unfunnyryan


    No. Everyone should like Chili without beans as real Chili recipes don't have beans. http://www.cookingcomically.com/?page_id=33 This is pretty delicious however. I usually add a lot more meat than is called for.
  18. Not trying to thread shit, just give insight since you said you didn't know. You have it priced what a desktop with a core 2 duo with 4gb ram would sell for. It's worth about $50. Compare to this http://columbus.craigslist.org/sys/3674295762.html Unless someone on here needs/wants it, I would format it and donate it to goodwill.
  19. http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconicon/alpha-magnets/128/Letter-p-icon.pnghttp://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/hydrattz/multipurpose-alphabet/128/Letter-E-blue-icon.pnghttp://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconicon/alpha-magnets/128/Letter-n-icon.pnghttp://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconicon/alpha-magnets/128/Letter-i-icon.pnghttp://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconicon/alpha-magnets/128/Letter-s-icon.png
  20. Is mcrib in season? can i wash down a mcrib with one of these?
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