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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Critics probably gave up and only people reviewing it are the diehard faggots.
  2. I work in a resale shop in Columbus, so I can only give you an idea how the Columbus law works. Customers usually sign a slip stating that the item is theirs and theirs to legally sell, this takes all the liability off the shop. Anything with a serial number must be held for 7 days (this goes into a police database, LEEDS program.) Beyond that 7 day period, for serialized and nonserialized items, if it is a stolen item and the police recover it then the shop takes the loss and has to pursue charges themselves, not the owner. Every fucking day I get a lovely mix of people, from hillbillies to heroin addicted dublin teenagers selling shit they lifted from cars. I've had people threaten to kill me over $30. Fun business.
  3. That sucks that you have to pay out of pocket for it. Within columbus limits the shop has to give the item back and pursue charges for the amount on their own.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/Xt46pU9.png
  5. I have had these speakers in at my work priced $50 higher than this in the same condition. They'll get that done. I have some CV LS-12s that pound so fucking hard you wouldn't even need to turn the buffer on.
  6. unfunnyryan


  7. Should of chose the canes at sawmill & 161!
  8. high capacity mothers are a higher cause of crime
  9. motor oil is the biggest sham. just use hose water.
  10. Got a little drunk and organized mine tonight. Every single bit says made in USA on it (minus the ones too small for any print) http://i.imgur.com/yxbOgRzl.jpg Only gripe is there is no storage for the hex bits. The organization between 6 point and 12 points sockets has no rhyme or reason. I'm going to toss it in my trunk unsecured for a few days and see if everything stays in position
  11. Did you buy this through Vances and received the wrong product or no product was in stock? This is fully on Vances if thats the case for selling you a product they had no inventory of. Ask to speak to store manager, CALMLY explain the situation. If they do not resolve the problem or give an acceptable explanation (or if you have already done this) call Ruger. Rugers customer service is outstanding - they should be able to assist you even in a vendor issue. Again, be calm and cool with the CS rep and they can do a lot for you.
  12. Bought a set for the trunk, now just need to find a way to secure it.
  13. the originals pull $20-30 right now.
  14. was your status as mostly heterosexual really only worth $25 to you
  15. I played with one and a HTC One side by side the other day. The S4 is a superior phone, but I just don't like the clutter and touchwiz UI.
  16. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m08dem6Lf11r7w4kro1_500.gif
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