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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Circumventing bans FTW. Wait, isn't that against the rules? Oh well, I can't help it. Winner.
  2. Like you know, stfu. Start on High. You can find lots of drunk girls. Some that are falling into Barnes and Noble.
  3. Ash

    Quaker Steak Friday 9:30

    I'll see you there! ;)
  4. Ash

    Quaker Steak Friday 9:30

    Well then I'm not wearing a name tag because there are only like three girls that come out that actually talk and Val and I are two out of the three.
  5. This message is viewable because Mr. Hal has too much internet access.
  6. He created my name and intro thread! He was not very smart!
  7. I'm trying to help him open up and get positive rep. Shut the fuck up and go buy me a necklace!
  8. Welcome, excuse my asshole fiance (Hal). What is your major?
  9. Ash

    CR Friends...

    You are such an ass!
  10. Ash

    CR Friends...

    Paul, I like you! You are the only number that I have! You should feel really special!
  11. Can I pay you in food again?
  12. You aren't going to be up that early, don't even fucking lie and say you will. You won't feel well if you wake up early. (Don't yell at me!)
  13. Thanks for becoming my friend! : )
  14. WTF Brian, it's 9:22 and you still haven't made it over yet! Ha ha ha ha!
  15. Holy shit you are old!! Happy birthday BFF!!!!!!
  16. I had a ton of fun last night! I now LOVE your wife!!!!
  17. RIP Kenny! Wow, that's so weird to say! We will definitely be in for a cruise.
  18. So I'm a cunt because you can't read? Do you not see where it says that I am 20? Or at the end of my post where it says my MAJOR?!?! Oh I guess that is too difficult for you to understand.
  19. Seriously I have to sit in the garage tomorrow too??
  20. You couldn't deal with playing politically correct all the time. Plus, you would have just beaten "The Jackass" the first week and you would have been kicked out. HA! I win! :finger:
  21. WTF? Did you not read my last text, ass! You know you couldn't teach!
  22. I'm not saying it is the hardest job in the world but it definitely is a challenge. Him saying that just rubbed me the wrong way. I'll be nice to you now, you were nice to me.
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