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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Yeah no. lol He got sick of the shit so he left.
  2. Nope it's not Hal. He would have something way more original to say. I haven't been on in a long time anyway.
  3. Thanks stalkers. No he hasn't been on my name. He didn't make a farewell post, he just left. Thanks for the concern Steve and fuck you to all of you assholes that say stupid shit about him. Fuck off!
  4. Ok Steven, not all girls are totally crazy. You tend to go with the ones that have a lot of baggage. Baggage=crazy. Sluts are that way for a reason. They are trying to gain something by fucking a lot of guys. Sluts have a lot of baggage. Go for a girl that you don't meet at a party, gym or mall and you will be fine.
  5. This thread made me want to hurt kittens.
  6. Yep, a nice one. Thanks for your concern!
  7. Why?? Tell your wife to text me back.
  8. I'm sorry. Better luck next time!
  9. They must not be doing it right then.
  10. He hates that movie. Thanks for trying though.
  11. Shut up, it's not Hal. He makes fun of me every time we see Click.
  12. 50 First Dates is my FAVORITE movie! That and Click. It makes me cry every time I see it.
  13. This made me want to vomit, a lot!
  14. Tiger Woods golf is hard! You have to keep your arm perfectly straight and half the time it doesn't register that you have your arm pointing down. I got pissed and threw the remote.
  15. Ash


    But she doesn't have boobs. If a girl is thick, she needs to have decent sized boobs and a nice butt.
  16. I'd ride what? One of those girls? That doesn't work unless there are toys involved. Good try though.
  17. Ash


    I got to wear jeans this week!
  18. How cute Brian! First you both have Probes now Mystic Cobras! Congrats to Lauren!
  19. Ash


    Aww thanks. You are still an asshole!
  20. HAHA. I think I still have your address...
  21. Ash


    Wow thanks! After 20+ times seeing you, you decide you like me. Thanks?
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