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Everything posted by SuBieQT

  1. My roomie has a dell laptop that has a bunch of virus's on it. Keeps making the computer crash. It says she has 92 virus's and then when she clicks to "remove all" it forwards her to buy the $50 six month McAfee upgraded software. Can anyone help? or recommend someone to help?
  2. i'd be more than happy to drop off toys this week! When's the deadline? I'll also help if you want to deliver them to a children's hospital or such.
  3. i'm a true believer in love. I always told myself i'd never get married i think more because i'm scared. From seeing family and friends marriages and how they turned for the worse once they got married always made me think that i can just be happy without that title. So i agree with you, you can be happy just together just got to remember the 2 C's... communication and compromise.
  4. now hopefully some nice guys will send flowers!
  5. SuBieQT

    Magic Jack

    i love my magic jack... all my family has it as well. Such a good deal. It's most useful if you ever go out of the country! Really easy to use!
  6. i'm down! keep me updated on opening dates paul!
  7. save at 3:45 is amazing!
  8. thats awesome!! imagine how many times you'd have to show people though
  9. i think i need to see you soon ken
  10. SuBieQT

    Post your pets

    Mason, he's about 1.5... 83lbs! here's some cell pics http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/1121/thirsty.jpg http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4812/photo2bo.jpg http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9431/mayt.jpg
  11. it's been way too many seconds
  12. What does the $99 plan include? I pay like $130 for just me! I looked on the website but didn't see anything about that
  13. i agree, the show was amazing! Some pics... http://img377.imageshack.us/img377/9905/92191161230437242142224.jpg http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6173/92191161230877253142224.jpg
  14. SuBieQT


    you heard right... it was hell for a couple weeks for me
  15. http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/8061/2rm33vc.jpg just black out the windows....
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