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Everything posted by SuBieQT

  1. i have a friend who works at andrews... if you decide to get one from there let me know and i'll send you her info
  2. i'm trying to pass it onto her... hence my long paragraph earlier and that lol
  3. just get off cr... get in the shower with him... and talk it out!
  4. hopefully he listens so he'll get rewarded
  5. and me there there now.. be nice.
  6. i think i may be the first girl responding but you have to realize guys do play their "BA" role a lot, esp via internet.. i look at it like if i bitch a lot about something i will just push him away and he will say even worse things out of annoyance. I wouldn't argue with him about it i would just talk to him in person and tell him that it really does upset you and why would he want his friends to think that about you because not only does that make you look bad but it does to him as well. If you've brought it up several times and nothing is changing then obviously he's not going to listen. If he prefers to talk about that kind of stuff instead of respecting you as a person and your feelings then its not worth it. Does he know you can see all of this stuff? He might bring up the privacy role saying that you shouldn't be "spying" on what he does but i do agree with it being a public forum but make sure and look at it through his eyes too with that. Just talk to him as calm as possible... if he listens, fuck him good.
  7. SuBieQT

    new nitrio circus

    ahhh i love this show!
  8. i might go buy the new one this weekend... if so i'll sell you my 3g
  9. call the Pets Hotel at easton. My dog goes there several times a week for daycare and they have over night stays and everyone there is so nice, 614-418-9389 ext 6
  10. we stayed longer and grant wake boarded a bit... rain FTL
  11. always fight the ticket... i've fought every single one, and succeeded.
  12. i got my first mac about a month or so ago... they're pretty much amazing
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