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Everything posted by SuBieQT

  1. This happened on my jeep too and funny thing is less than a week after i got it. I went and bought and new battery thinking that was it and couple days later it did the same thing. My dad said he cleaned something next to the battery, like that area walls... and i haven't had any problems since
  2. hope your day gets better bro! Good things will come, karmakarmakarmaaa... thats why i sold my subie! If you need anything let me or my parents know!
  3. he had her pinned up and was straight humping hahaaa she was in it for the giggles, poor kid.. and andrew i don't even wanna think about some of the hitttt girls you were dancing with LOL "whattt whattt whatttt"
  4. Yes shit was wilddddd... Thanks earon for the surprise tequila shots :-/ it was so fucking hot in there
  5. haha OMGGG i remember him hahaaaa i think i might have a pic but idk... he went from salsa dancing to like trying to be ghetto and jumping up and down... then andrew proceeded to dance by him
  6. leaving in the next 15
  7. woooo can't waittt! We're doing some pre-gaming at my place if anyone would like to join as well
  8. sugar i think on fridays does... or used to
  9. OMGGGG hahahaa... funniest chitchat ever!!! and onetoenvy.. we will continue to talk
  10. yayy for mexican and margaritas!
  11. shanton this winter video is going to be crazy... lets get wild in subie for sure!
  12. Mines for sale... Black 06 with 45k
  13. i loveeddd my iphone! It has got to be one of the best phones on the market, but i agree my bill was clearly over $100/month. The service/texting was horrible... i ended up switching back to verizon couple months ago and considering this BBstorm... anyone know how much it is?
  14. hahaa you bad boys arrested us bad girls fun nighttt
  15. Linn's still in... when they let me go when we were caught they said that he would be in there all weekend... the 1 girl cop was the one pushing for linn to get the maximum
  16. haha please don't tell me this is the colleen that added me 14 times on Facebook in 4 days? Hahahahaha Thank you but tilley and I are friends (thx jake) and CR is full of those responses! Get used to it.
  17. scariest night of my life... Of course I was the only passenger that got thrown to the ground and handcuffed... Lame I have road burn on my chest from it and he threw my Phone to the ground because it was ringing... WTF?! Then went thru it searching for people who were out racing
  18. The "lead" car was linn... i was in the passenger seat... we both got arrested. I begged my way out of jail... but as of now everyone is in there with no bail. Where is this video? As i was in handcuffs the nbc guy wouldn't go away with the camera.
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