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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. I worked at penske chevy and hustling people in beerpong
  2. 20,000 post later and we have a romper room. Is this what the kitchen has become?? And why the hell am i number 3. THATS RACIST!!! And Mods please stop banning paul im tired of him telling me every 5 days ive been banned on CR again, Your killing the little guys heart!
  3. Ill come out of hibernation just to say DAMN!!!!!!!! thats sicka and sexy!! Now back to my cave.........
  4. i know a girl looking for a TV ill pass this along im sure she'll buy
  5. Noted Yeah me too the pain is killer Thanks man, and yes i was deff your safebelt that night Nah i was very confused and freaked the fuck out
  6. Fuck you tyler! And i have a bruised rib a concosion(?) bruised hip cut along the bottom of my chin, cuts on my head and dig marks from the cuffs being so tight on my right hand. Im sooo pissed i got my assed kicked by the cops cause they thought i hit my GF WRONG! They said i was resisting arrest, but later said i was fully corapative(?) I blacked out a couple times im having memory lose, Im all fucked! My Friend cort says she knows a good lawyer but im gonna make a thread for some legal help.
  7. OMG THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!!!!! hmmm...... Oh and zach i hate you!
  8. I have it and like it just gotten use to the channel diff from wow
  9. I know everyone is being mj but im thinking about being him from the beat it vid. Jacket shirt and all
  10. thats what i was thinking. Im sure if its for a day i could do it haha
  11. Halloween is coming up and there are a couple of parties I'm attending. I need some GOOD costume ideas, something that can be pulled off with effort and sometime. So far I only came up with a few. Quail man, have a superman custom top and put a flannel over ut wuth a beard and cowboy hat with cowboy boots and say chuck norris doesn't dress up as superman, superman dresses up like chuck norris....but I'd look funny trying to be a black quail man and chuck norris lol. So any good ideas? I know you guys can get creative let me know what you got
  12. That sucks! How bad is the damage? Oh and the 8:40 am part its 5:30 somewhere lol But seriously thats messed up
  13. Nasty! and the other stang is sick aswell
  14. Looks pretty funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx3KaaGIRyc
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