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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Damn, i shoulda got all that haha, But idk, I know if you buy a nos energy drink and go to there website it gives you a code. Not sure which platform it's for. And is the dark knight returns skin the fat batman?
  2. yes get asylum, i got mine a best buy with a pre-order to get robin. havent played with him yet but i watched a vid and he looks sick
  3. Who's got it?? Shit is SICK! There is some codes to get the batman beyond custume and others. http://arkhamcity.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6249&start=15
  4. MAke sure when testing wheel bearing you look at both, dont assume that because the noise is coming from the right side that the right one is bad. Ask me how i know? lol
  5. you pay for safety and reliablilty
  6. Order online, it's hella cheaper, ive done mine like 4 times. It's easy. just make sure you get the right kit.
  7. How many songs did you run out at? need a ipod for the gym
  8. Did that really happen!!?? Damn you walking dead damn you
  9. Def not reffering to said chikcs in pics dumbass! And do not hate on my dancing!!!
  10. That excluded you bruh! But next time i'll through it in there so you know im excluding you Free sunday aswell, im always there. No prob with time except the later the better due to I like drinking saturday nights lol
  11. All but one! We shall see where im at in my work poll later today
  12. gotta get in the swings of things! But no, more like people showing up! And me and brian not paying for our session.....
  13. Correction, i love you cause your white....
  14. As said glad your ok! Sad to see another bird loose it's wings Glad the other guy was smart
  15. Yeah, so we need to re-evaluate some damn things..
  16. Troof! I wish the old guys would come out....It'll be funny ta watch them drool over pulled chicks
  17. Since you haz a LSx, im almost positive it's you alt. As brian said replaced alt everything was great. happened to me in my T/A also. Was racing Rob down 70 to my apt and go there and BOOM nada, haha
  18. Jizzle Juice

    do want!

    It's the fucking batboat, or whatever it was called. Damn that thing IS HAWT!!!! DO WANT! like you said
  19. This, im in new car sales, but i was told it's ALWAYS like this in these two months. I'd just pick up a P/T job.
  20. It's just one of those picks since we have a pool here at work, i think they will pull it through
  21. iPhone iPhone iPhone....sorry had to do it cause you calle dme a fag for owning a product that i like, and some android folks do the same thing...carry-on now
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