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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. I do not dance like a white man! White men try and dance like me!!!
  2. Dennis, I'll keep you informed as I'm trying To actually start a team. I have a few commitments nothing for sure yet. I need to get all the info see what days works best get shirts a name you know all that jazz
  3. Berliner has nice league. I like competitive. I'm suppose to have a team this year of my own we shall see. I'm reporting you Paul. I find your sig racist.
  4. Hey fuck you duff and miller! Jason stop gayer up my thread with your modding bullshit!!! Thanks, Eric
  5. NO must watch ip man 1. Both are amazing but Ip man 1 explains a lot. Ip man 2 rinds me of a Chinese Rocky movie. But both were super f king good EDIT: just read comments saw someone saw Chinese rocky FAIL on my part
  6. I'd fuck her. I could care less for the date. I'm just tryna beat cheeks
  7. Fuck Paul white for flashbanging me when we played COD. Dick you can't do that shit no more FUCKFACE
  8. Pull the trigger myself. Why you ask? God knows what is on that keyboard sperm, crack, bunny shit fuck who knows I'll prob die. I like my ass and I sit down frequently so idk if I can handle the ass rape and I may die from blood loss. Her taint would be impossible to get to so I'd die from suffocation. So if I'm gonna die I want it to be quick simi choose to pull the trigger myself
  9. Fuck you! Yes I did kind sir. Lol. I wanna take this blue Evo X we have. It's HAWT
  10. Jizzle Juice


    Fuck Scott and his same black tube socks and black cut off shirts. Fuck that racist piece of shit space ghost. I'm gonna ban your ass every three days on CrC. Fuck Paul because he's a mod and a tool who is too cool for his friends. Fuck Anthony cause he is a poor host and wouldn't let me drink more than one yuengling. Fuck Tina because your dog wore a dress and it creeped me out. Fuck Phil because he's well he's Phil, and fucks giraffes Fuck Rhett for being dangling from SAMs dingle berries Fuck Sam for being old as dirt and trying to drag race segways and party with 16 yr old girls. Fuck Linn for making me dance with that chick who's bday it was. She wouldn't leave me alone! Thanks bra! Fuck Leigh, well because he fucks a.....oh wait Fuck Tilley for being so awesome and buying a S5 for a daily driver Fuck Antwon for getting married. Fuck Brian for having the same initials as I do. And FUCK Dover for making me log into to this damn website just see some car. PEACE LOVE AND CHICKEN GREASE *¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Used the one that was at your place? Looks like a clean job congrats
  12. WHAT? seriously? That's shitty. i can't STAND that lil fuck!
  13. I'ts really pissing me off. I hope they can agree, i feel sorry for some of the none superstars.
  14. Yeah UNC looked tits! Sully, looked really nice last game. I can't wait to go to the game tonight.:fuckyeah:
  15. Let em both in and let the wolves have at em?
  16. I'm a idiot. Here's my number. 614-397-3552
  17. Looking to score 2 good Tix please! Shoot me a text if you have anything. Just wanna avoid buying online. Wanna see if anyone has any. TIA
  18. Wow, we suck! Shoulda went for the WIN instead of a Field goal
  19. I bought a USB one, works better, but when the power gets turned off you have to relink it. http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10982158 Mine wasnt that expensive though
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