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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. BURN!!!! Jones you said what?
  2. Yup, been there done that. #BITCHASSNESS
  3. Guy touches guy in inappropriate way guy pushes me I hit guy rest is a years with of turmoil lol Lmao!! But if you wanna win put boobie in!!! Lmao I'm sure you pulled guy into a pole lmao. Thanks man!!
  4. Lmao Hal!! And I know this Eric, but not being in jail is "winning" and winning is half te battle......GI JOE!! Mike, i didn't fight a woman never would.
  5. Eminem is close to the top, you can't deny that. But that line was hilarious!! And for his voice, it got that way by screaming alot. Dre told him to do it and then one day it was like that. I love Em, he's nasty on the mic
  6. Jeffro im lost on the rhett comment lol And what's wrong with yours? i got the PM. I can fix it for you if you buy the right stuff. I kinda a pro now
  7. Be smart kids and dont do it! You'll spend jailtime and a bunch of fucking money in bail, lawyer and court fees. All said and done i got a HELL of a deal and i feel good. I regret what i did and apologized to the kid. He wanted to nail me to the cross sort of speak. After a year it doesnt seem it's actually over, but im glad it is. :fuckyeah:
  8. Hmmm....This would be sweet. I havent been following tho
  9. Jizzle Juice


    Lol, i read what he posted and thats the first thing that pop up in my head haha
  10. Jizzle Juice


    Like penis......
  11. I just showed this to the Old guys i work with at honda and they flipped out!! GLWS
  12. Hmmmm, i get off at 7, bring trunks swim till show.........
  13. Ummmm sam, why the hell didnt you tell me this lastnight??
  14. Fags!! Lol. Still debating if ima go.
  15. The n sync one was better lmao
  16. Can we do shots of patron first, and drink old beer?(Not hating on the beer)
  17. Jizzle Juice

    LA Noire

    Picking up friday! Will order MW3 also
  18. Crawdad i hate you on WWF. Just saying lol
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