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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Greg text me whore I'm here.614.397.3552
  2. Looking for a shell. 91 hatch, 92-95 coupe or hatch. Lemme know what ya got.
  3. Ok well ill be at adobes. I may be able to get someone in for free.
  4. What theatre (number) are you in
  5. Broke my phone using a loaner, text me around then
  6. I may hit easton aswell. I get free tix :fuckyeah:
  7. I firmly believe in the saying it to someone's face. I aint sccccuuured! :fuckyeah:
  8. Once jailbroken never EVER hook up to itunes
  9. herd. I'd like a rematch at the hoop game at crown! You talking to me while i shoot turned me on so i couldnt concentrate :fuckyeah:
  10. FAGS! i authenticated my rep!
  11. I couldnt answer that, but my guess would be size and speed?
  12. lol to grandmas boy qoute. Love that fucking movie. PM details if you would, im suppose to take this position at a reputable delearship, but of course if job security is great and pay is better i may wanna change.
  13. Congrats mang! That was fast!
  14. Damn thats scary http://gawker.com/#!5796451
  15. http://jefferyrainey.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/faillike1999.jpg
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