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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    Troof, but when it's proven to be a shit box, then 9/10 it's a shitbox
  2. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    hahahahaha....phone nunchucks hahhahaha
  3. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    How about this-Sir-broke-dick-1j and phil have a CR boxing match?? I can't talk too much as my car is broke......But still faster!!!
  4. Scott how long do you playing on staying? Since we are on the same side of town thought i'd meet up with you and ride over?
  5. http://cdn.ccomrcdn.com/image/446/410/CDN-IP/cc-common/mlib/1279/04/1303153641103.jpg Fixxed...DUMBASS
  6. wow you have a memory like a steel trap hahaha
  7. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    cats to a ball of yarn lol
  8. http://www.610wtvn.com/cc-common/gallery/display.html?album_id=277713 Nips
  9. bwahahahaha You have a wierd taste. Im gonna vote for you to show you some support
  10. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    http://files.sharenator.com/da_fuck_Mitoza-s204x161-141913-580.jpg lol sorry, there needs to be warning on screen "caution do not drink while reading in the kitchen, it may cause electrical fires"
  11. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    He reported his post? What a gaybird
  12. Looks GREAT!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZJBc_BE3Ws&feature=relmfu I will buy mappack to play this
  13. SICK!!! Please dont let this thread turn like the other birdman one
  14. Jizzle Juice

    Dear Cr

    BURRRN!!! Martins is gaaaaay REAL TALK. I didnt even know sir-post hungout with him Phil-
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ47eGSilPc&feature=player_embedded EDIT- Someone said on facebook "I wonder if we got him cause he checked in on foursquare" BWAHAHAHAHa
  16. I envy your eyes! And i think it's gonna bring the others out and try some stupid shit
  17. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/media/blogs/blog/9/osama_bin_laden_dead0001_66.jpg lol
  18. I like the shout out to the families of 9/11. Well done guys! An big ups to Obama for a nice speech and continuing to look in pakistan
  19. Im laughing my ass off!! bwhahahaha
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