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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Wow, didnt think i'd see tits bare in this lol, that thru me off. And i hate you eric, i try and watch certain anime in dub
  2. I also agree with this as-well, people over doing shit
  3. http://www.denverfriends.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/A-Bold-New-Look-For-the-2010-Ford-Taurus.jpg
  4. I hate you guys....i guess i suck at putting it in words
  5. Not for myself a friend is looking for one. any help is appreciated. Thanks
  6. My statement doesnt include cars like yours or vettes etc. And i meant more bulky, like too big to be on the road. Not to many slim and sleek cars other than like a audi or a bimmer, you know the high end cars
  7. More bulky is what im aiming at
  8. It does cause of the accent she had along with the body. It's like a bonus feature sort of speak.
  9. Is it just me that thinks the cars of today are being waaaaay to boxy looking? Like you don't see alot of cars with fine body lines. To me its like watching a movie in 1995 about the future and their opinion on what cars will look like. Or maybe im looking into it too much? idk
  10. If you could somehow become a petite woman with a amazing body and a 7 of a face, then i'd think about it....
  11. Joining the army isnt a short process zac lol
  12. You are a great friend if you do not know this answer.......
  13. I've seen said ass on girl and yes it is nice! And as far the twins...YUUUUUMM i loved when she spoke russian to me, by far THE hottest thing i've heard!
  14. Alot of people feel the same way sir. I don't think it was that much of a threat.......ok I'm lying If you could only understand Ben, then you'd see my frustration. So i'll be the bigger person and apologize for my threat.
  15. Talk about butt hurt... Dear Jizzle Juice, You have received an infraction at Columbus Racing. Reason: Threatened Other Member(s) ------- The Internet is serious business. ------- This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
  16. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLEo7H9tqSM&NR=1
  17. it's cause of the sig man the sig
  18. LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E70VT7vXbWI&feature=player_embedded#at=62
  19. Damn you scott you shoulda told me this before i went home! silly racist
  20. You newbs ar fucking gayer than aides. Insert nuts in slapchop and clean up mess with shamwow.
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