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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. who the fuck is zeeeFag??
  2. AWWE YEEEEEAH! 48hrs vegas??
  3. Shit was EPIC! I never laughed so hard in the movies
  4. Crave case! haha, those have ruined a few toilets.
  5. Wow, i was raised in a baptist church and this is super eye opening to me. Im quite ashamed to even mention i was raised in a baptist church. This is really sad and disgusting. EDIT-No i did not attend this church and no we did not have the same beliefs
  6. Ok that guy! lol. Goodluck man! I'll be in texas at the end of this month for a few
  7. i knew he'd take it the wrong way
  8. hahahaha, idiots!!! I envy you and your macbook
  9. Damn guy lol. Im sure he's just venting, no reason too shit on him now.
  10. Thats the same as five guys......
  11. Not happening now http://ht.ly/4GzA8 Davis is still a good fighter IMO
  12. Goodluck mang! It's been fun, your honestly one of the few i can consider a friend that i met from CR. Be careful keep your head up and be yourself! I'll keep crown and katie warm for you :gabe: jk. But i told her we would have to hangout everyso often so she doesnt get all too sad
  13. Fuck jones and his high waters :fa:
  14. You rocked the Camo helmet real good bruh...no homo
  15. Oh really? Would you like to keep yours?(This is in no way of a threat its all just good friendly shit talking)
  16. Creepy as shit. What kind of spider is that?
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