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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Will get, rest of you droid people are haters. I respect a droid but wont own one.
  2. The New iPhone will have it, once it's released im almost postive they will release the LTE stuff. Which the AT&T is faster than the verizon LTE. Read article about it a few weeks back
  3. I dont have a problem with my service and i work downtown. As for unlimited it is gone unless you were grandfathered into it like verizon, With verizon only way to keep is too buy a phone outright. Use your Upgrade lose your unlimited. And I have 3gigs but im always near wifi
  4. Def thinking San fran-baltimore Niners win! Not just case im a niners fan but their def return with some great additions to the O. People better not sleep on Moss!
  5. Guess they released him, or something like that.
  6. Def, didnt make it!!!! Who has a rough Def, that would like to trade? I have Phillies D up for trade need RB
  7. So live draft, and Zac, we can do it from our phone cause my laptop friend and my little bro has my other one for school
  8. I'll text you, wanna look at the chart and see where they are. Thanks
  9. What you got if any?? Working with people from craigs, so dont say go there. Doing all angles thanks
  10. I forgot my damn password...FUUUG!
  11. I'd try a pawn shop, i was in music my whole life and i only brought new once(Cause i couldnt find a used silver trumpet) But i've sold mine to pawn shops all the time right before buying a new one. Hope that helps, i may have a friend who still may have one or two, i'll check for ya
  12. Damn, 30 30 30 20 10 20. Grrrrrrrrr....lol. I know what i'll be doing when i get back to work tomorrow
  13. BUMP!!!! Lets go people JOIN!!!
  14. Justin text me. My Company is looking for people. 614-401-7547
  15. Max Players on team? Couldnt find it anywhere
  16. Im gonna be drunk at 8:30 at night, monday is LABOR DAY!!! FUUUUUU!!!! Oh well i guess
  17. Im doing the walk for autism and i wanted to get my teams site out there to see if anyone here would be willing to donate. If not at least spread the word about it. It's for a good cause and I for one have never done it and im pumped to help out. http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1012672&team=5178973
  18. One doesnt have AMC....I think
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