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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. There's no real way to post a spoiler on this site so I'll screen cap the text I read elsewhere and link it for those who want to read... http://i.imgur.com/67x5B.png Basically a summary of the finale from someone who claims to have seen it.
  2. The episode where Darryl goes off looking for Sophia and ends up getting his own arrow through his side and starts hallucinating Merle some people thought it was foreshadowing when Merle said to Darryl "reach out and take your good friend Rick's hand". Of course, now that Merle is not going to end up the Governor that may have just been the writers in an acid-induced fog.
  3. It was especially unbelievable in last night's episode. Carl wandering around when his mom is doing laundry or whatever it is that she does is OK. But when the farm is essentially on lockdown as Darryl, Rick, Glenn and Shane are out looking for an armed man who they were keeping prisoner and planning to kill before he supposedly escaped? He still gets out and gets to go witness his dad killing Shane? Sure... Just read a summary of the finale from someone who has supposedly seen it. It sounds pretty awesome actually. TONS of stuff happens and it sounds like the show might take a much darker turn (finally). No more of this...
  4. Because the writers probably forgot it happened...lol.
  5. OSU shot right around their average for the season from the FT line. They're just a bad FT shooting team. Another huge problem heading into the tourney where you typically have close games from the 2nd game on. And the selection committee was trolling hard when they put Michigan against Ohio. Their fans won't have a clue what's going on.
  6. Your guess is correct. At least, that's how it is in the comics. Been thinking all along that this was what the CDC guy told Rick at the end of season 1 but that STILL hasn't been addressed yet this season so who the fuck knows. I bet the writers completely forgot that it even happened.
  7. Just retarded shit at the end... down 2 with 2 minutes to go and OSU just starts chucking up 3's. 1) YOU'RE NOT A GOOD 3-POINT SHOOTING TEAM AND 2) YOU'RE ONLY DOWN 2. I don't expect much out of this team in the tourney.
  8. Nice job, Cincy. Sully beasted tonight. Could tell early in the game he came to play. Not just because he had like 8 of OSU's first 11 or so points but because he was more active than I've seen him since the start of the season. Hopefully that lasts from now through the real tourney because he hasn't looked like that since before his injuries.
  9. There's a pretty big spoiler pic out there right now. No one who has read the comics will be surprised as this character was killed off pretty quick in them.
  10. I actually typed rugby then changed it to lacrosse...lol. Knew it was one of the two. And yeah, there are definitely people out there doing a lot worse than getting a free education at Northwestern. Just checked my inbox on Scout and I still have PM's about Studlien from over 4 years ago...lol. The creep on Bucknuts was basically telling Studlien and his mom that he would "lead them to the promised land" and instructed him to decline interviews with anyone but Bucknuts then guided him in his interviews where he was basically threatening to commit to Illinois if OSU didn't act soon. Crazy stuff.
  11. Will Studlien... there's a name I remember. Kid tried to "force" the issue with OSU to get an offer going off of very, very bad advice from an "insider"/creep on Bucknuts (Studlien's mom posted there) by basically threatening to commit early to Illinois then I think he ended up tearing his ACL playing lacrosse or something? Also, the big transfer name has been released as it is not going to happen now... was Aaron Lynch. Big-time DE at ND. Was a 5-star out of HS. Hates it at ND and hates Brian Kelly but will stick it out another 2 seasons and leave early for the NFL.
  12. Called the cops on some scammers at the Speedway in Pickerington a few years ago. The whole "I'm a church janitor and our bus broke down a little ways down the road and we need to raise money for this $4xx part from NAPA." Unfortunately for the guy, my friend I was with had these exact same people try it on him and his family at another place just a couple weeks earlier. So we declined to help, called the cops and stuck around to watch the fun. Great part was when the cop did show up they were walking out of a restaurant there by Speedway with food and drinks they just bought with the money they had scammed off people. I'm fine with helping people. I really don't carry cash ever (have 2 $1's on me at the moment) so I don't lie. In HS my friends and I were approached by a man outside of K-Mart who wanted money for food. No cash but we were going in to get some Little Caesar's and he ended up getting a whole left over pizza from us. Then a few years ago, my personal favorite, friend won something from CD101 and we went downtown to pick it up and they had ice cream stuff in the station (ice cream sandwiches, bars, etc.) so we took some but didn't actually want to eat it. Found a homeless guy and gave the ice cream sandwiches to him. Was over 90 that day and he said in maybe the happiest homeless person voice ever... "I haven't had one of these in so long."
  13. I can't believe people still watch this show. I can't believe I still watch this show. What is wrong with me? Found a plot outline for the next few seasons of the show online... Season 3 - at some point maybe kinda sorta debate leaving the farm Season 4 - debate the best way to leave the farm Season 5 - start getting stuff together to leave the farm Season 6 - debate if they have enough stuff to leave the farm Season 7 - debate where they will go from the farm Season 8 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating Season 9 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating Season 10 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating Season 11 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating Season 12 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating Season 13 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating Season 14 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating I think you get the idea.
  14. I was hoping with his weight loss in the off-season that he would have become a more explosive athlete but that didn't happen at all. Then he got hurt and regressed conditioning-wise so now he's just smaller and weaker with less endurance. Then no one else on the team is worth anything consistently.
  15. TE under Tressel/Bollman was basically an extra tackle anyways. And he's up to 297 last I saw. He'll be fine. And Storm is listed at 6-2 but when you said small I thought back to watching games and I agreed. But he has long arms that are pretty skinny. Really skinny when you consider he's a 240lb. LB.
  16. Storm is a long athlete which might explain why you say he looks "small". He was 240 last year and is down to 227 now so they're trying to make him faster. And I posted nevada's projected starting OL a couple pages ago I think... LT - Fragel LG - Norwell C - Linsley RG - Hall RT - Mewhort Bobek hasn't been able to get his weight/strength up enough to take over the starting spot yet. Mewhort is reportedly a monster so they like him out at the RT spot. Was kinda surprised to see him there over Norwell.
  17. Marcus Hall- Hasnt done much - will start this year by most accounts Kenny Guiton- Career backup - never should have been offered Jamaal Berry- Kicked out of school Sam Longo- Transfered - never should have been offered Johnathan Newsome- Has played very little - actually he transferred too Corey Brown- Buried on depth chart - bad knee injury too Carlos Hyde- Has done decent when given the chance Duron Carter- Flunked out/transfered to Alabama (still not enrolled lol) Adam Bellamy- Has played in the DL rotation Dominic Clarke- Kicked off team Reid Fragle- Converted to OT (will see how he does) - looks to be the starter this year at LT James Jackson- Transfered Zach Boren- Monster!! Corey Linsley- Has played sparingly (probable starter this year) - starting center it looks like Melvin Fellows- Medical Hardship Jordan Hall- Starting RB most likely this year (hasnt impressed me) - hasn't impressed me either - nevada LOVES him and praises him every chance like a fool though Dorian Bell- Transfered Jamie Wood- Buried on depth chart Chris Fields- Has played sparingly (did have a nice punt return td last year) CJ Barnett- Has played decent when healthy Adam Homan- Will never contribute - should have redshirted as a freshman to create separation between him and Boren although after this year, and only because Boren is too good for Meyer not to utilize him this year, the FB position will be all but dead Jack Mewhort- Probable starter this year John Simon- Absolute stud Storm Klein- Has played, but not very well (could has starting job taken from him this year) - Storm was called out (along with Sabino and Shazier - see a trend? we NEED LB's) by Meyer early on and has responded very well in the weight room under Marotti - we'll see if it translates to the field Jordan Whiting- Transfered And I agree that the '09 class has had its disappointments. Just like the '08 class that was supposed to be amazing. Some great players. First rounders in that class. But some big-time headcases who ultimately led to their coach being fired. Tressel had serious problems knowing how to treat superstar athletes. Clarett, Ginn, Troy, Pryor, etc.
  18. It's nice to see these kids Urban is "pushing out" according to Michigan fans say things like this on their way out... "Thank u all for ur support! N deep inside I will be a Buckeye bcz its part of who I am! Thank u all! :)" Complete opposite of what you saw out of kids leaving when Rich Rod landed in Ann Arbor or the horror stories you hear from kids in the SEC who all of a sudden just weren't on scholarship when fall camp starts.
  19. Would have been pretty crazy...lol. I saw his name pop up a few times but never more than just "Would Meyer take Zook?" Dude was an incredible recruiter and that's the first requirement to be on Urban's staff. Lots of people say Urban owes that first title at Florida to Zook's recruiting. Could have thrown him a bone to bring him back home.
  20. Yeah, Lisle is an OT all the way. Hopefully they can get another 1-2 of Pocic, Bivin and Tunsill and be set at OT for a while.
  21. Looks like Kerry Coombs will be filling Sheridan's spot. Another old white dude. I'm pretty surprised that Meyer's staff is actually less "diverse" than Tressel's was. He was Cincy's best recruiter though.
  22. Nope. I got all the add-ons in Chrome that I have with Firefox just fine (and they finally have Adblock working right which was an improvement from the 2nd time I tried Chrome). But as far as customizing toolbars and their layout it's just not possible to do with Chrome what I've done with Firefox.
  23. Firefox. Tried Chrome for the 3rd time recently (Flash in FF has issues when docked windows are resized or closed) but it's just not customizable enough.
  24. Brian Kelly already came out and said that Neal was going to get everything taken care of on the academic side. Whatever. Either way I'm glad OSU was able to sniff his issues out and walk away.
  25. I think that was the first live football play I watched where I thought the kid was dead. At this point... too bad he wasn't. And I don't think anyone is going to get a name on the transfer until it does/doesn't happen. He'll be in by the start of spring football if he comes.
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