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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Any of you read what Darabont had to say about what his idea was for the season 2 premiere? Sounded epic. Sounded pricey too and was probably why he got canned.
  2. Urban introducing the staff at halftime of the Indiana game today... http://www.fliqz.com/aspx/permalinkblank.aspx?at=653c30e7-d275-4023-808b-a652e1d6138f&a=9620d483-55f3-418a-861b-cdc9ac35f9e2 The ovation Luke got was just awesome. People in the building said it may have been the loudest the Schott has ever been for anything. The boos of Gene Smith were just a notch below the Fickell ovation but still awesome.
  3. Looks like Dominic Clarke and Derjuan Gambrell have officially been released from their scholarships. Clarke is a really good player so that sucks.
  4. Read that he might coach LB's and be co-DC with Haynes. No idea what the rest of the Razorback staff looks like. Also looks like OSU will get another former PSU commit in Joey O'Connor. Another 4* OT from Colorado.
  5. Sounds like Taver Johnson is going to join Paul Haynes down in Arkansas. Thought he'd be a great fit under Meyer but I guess he didn't feel the same way. And 4* OT Taylor Decker out of Vandalia, OH flipped from ND to OSU today. Warriner and Hinton doing work.
  6. Lots of Buckeyes on that team. I don't really follow the NFL (Cincy fan if I'd have to claim a team) but I pay some attention to OSU players in the NFL. I know they have Larry Grant (had a monster game late in the season when Willis was out), Donte Whitner, Ted Ginn and Alex Boone. The sequence in the game today when Teddy ran the pick and got hurt then they came out and ran the exact same illegal pick play again was lulzy.
  7. There are Michigan fans out there who think Harbaugh couldn't have done with Michigan this season what Hoke did. I lol hard at them. I wanted Harbaugh back when they were going through their search because Tressel had dominated Michigan and I thought he could make it real interesting real quick. Now that they got their win against the first OSU team to lose 7 games since the 19th century... I'm glad they have Hoke and Urban is going to put the hurt on them.
  8. I know. That's what I was pointing out to alittlelessordinary. He was referring to only the CB's as DB's and I was pointing out that safeties are DB's as well. The more you know.
  9. Safeties are DB's...lol. You mean CB's? Also, I don't think Urban ever did a format like Tressel did for spring games at Florida. It was more scrimmage-like than an actual game like OSU where players were drafted and everything. I don't think OSU's spring game format under Tressel was copied much around the country. And OL Jacoby Boren is in early so there's an available OL for the spring game although he's barely big enough to play OL really.
  10. Only 5? That just can't be right. Off the top of my head... Travis Howard Dominic Clarke (OVI arrest) Bradley Roby Christian Bryant Ohrian Johnson Jamie Wood Ron Tanner Doran Grant Derjuan Gambrell (arrested for assault this past weekend apparently) Corey Brown Edit: Now off a list, the guys I forgot... CJ Barnett (not sure how I forgot him) Zach Domicone (wanted to list him but wasn't sure if he was a medical waiver guy or maybe transferring) Chad Hagan (think he's a medical waiver guy but it hasn't been announced yet) Adam Griffin (don't really count him as a scholarship guy even though he technically is...lol) So, hey, at least the DB's have Meyer up to 2 arrests already as the OSU head coach. :gabe: Edit II: And Tyvis Powell is on campus as one of the early enrollees so there's another DB. So 15 on scholarship (unless Clarke and Gambrell do end up getting the boot) for the spring game.
  11. Some more attrition, Jeremy Cash is leaving. He didn't do anything while he was here and he was just a freshman but another effect it has... probably means Matta doesn't get his half brother, Malik Martin for hoops.
  12. He just talked about not making examples out of kids yesterday at his presser thing when asked about Dominic. There was a rumor the other day that Chris Carter and Tommy Brown were kicked off the team then the next morning you saw Carter tweeting about wanting to die after workouts...lol. Probably go through about 30 players over the next couple months who are rumored to be kicked off the team/leaving. Also, Urban talked about the twitter thing yesterday at his media thing. Basically said the coaches will be monitoring it and if something goes out that they don't think should be out there regarding the team then you might see some players disappear from twitter.
  13. Indiana game this Sunday is sold out and Urban will introduce his staff at halftime.
  14. There were reports that he had banned twitter at the meeting with the team on the 3rd but there are still plenty of tweets going out and now people are saying the twitter ban wasn't real. It's a great, big mystery...lol.
  15. That 3 against Indiana was awful coming from a SENIOR. You're down 2 and you have Jared Sullinger and Zeller is already fouled out. Get the ball into your big man and let him tie the game and maybe even get a 3-point play for the lead. Was just an atrocious decision. I was stunned when it happened.
  16. Not sure what's going on with regards to the reported "twitter ban" but players are still tweeting stuff after the workouts. 3rd day was today and this was my favorite from walk-on OL Ivon Blackman... OL Ivon Blackman @IvoBlack64 I miss the simple things in life like being able to walk up and down stairs.......smh
  17. Craft's poor play against Indiana was very surprising. Buford's for the last few games... not so much. Disappointing but not surprising. Definitely came to the realization last night that this team just isn't as good as everyone thought. Still have a good bit of time to try and get to there before March though.
  18. Love how players just randomly have the best games of their entire lives against OSU. E'twaun Moore and Jordan Taylor last season and now Brandon Paul... who the fuck is Brandon Paul? Jesus.
  19. Haha, yep. Was pretty funny in 2005 when people were freaking out about OSU maybe not getting an at-large bid because I think Cal was ranked 4th or 5th in the country the year before in a slightly similar situation and they were left out. Reasonable people were just like... are you kidding me? We're OSU. We bring the ultimate combo of being a great traveling fan base and those who can't/won't travel will be glued to their TV. Bowl committees drool over selecting OSU. Maybe not so much this year and obviously not next year (:lolguy:) but in the BCS era I don't think there has been a safer pick if you wanted to bring the dollars to your bowl game.
  20. http://www.bcsfootball.org/news/story?id=4819384 Doesn't have this year's games yet. Looking at that list the Alabama article is either incorrect or not counting the 2004 title game between OU-USC because it was vacated because it had a 13.7.
  21. More fun from the title game... http://i.imgur.com/Z3eut.jpg The guy standing next to Trent Richardson on the sidelines in that picture? None other than Tom Al-Betar. Who is Tom Al-Betar you ask? He's the owner of T-Town Menswear (some hoopla over the summer regarding this place using Bama players' signed memorabilia to advertise/promote his store and how the Bama players have such nice suits from his store) and... oh by the way... he's been disassociated from the program. Nice of them to let a disassociated booster on the sidelines like that. But like the stories flying out of Alabama over the summer regarding the suits and memorabilia I'm positive nothing will come from this.
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