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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. I read that he gets 3-5 right off the bat for having the gun on him while committing a felony. Good for you, Ray. Good for you.
  2. That would have forced the writers to advance the story though. And we can't have that.
  3. Didn't they just move the kickoffs back a few years ago which resulted in less touchbacks and now they're reversing it to encourage more? lolncaa Also, OSU had some combine-style testing recently and the top 3 benchers were... John Simon - 38 reps Reid Fragel - 33 reps Corey Linsley - 30 reps Fragel is a very similar build to Adams as far as wingspan (also read he's up to 297lbs.) and put up 14 more reps than him. It's not gonna stop Adams from being a good NFL pro just shows the kind of potential Fragel has in his 1 year as OSU's starting LT.
  4. Had some optimism at the beginning of tonight's episode then it ended with Rick saying almost word for word the same exact shit he said to Shane at the beginning of the episode and the story once again didn't move forward at all. WTF. Can't wait until Breaking Bad and Mad Men are done on AMC. Then they'll be able to cry at what they've turned The Walking Dead into.
  5. Was out when I woke up this morning on my Droid 4 but was back up around 10:45am.
  6. They only raised their price if you still want to get physical discs. The price actually dropped for me because I was never getting discs and they released the streaming only option a month or so before the price increase for a dollar less a month.
  7. Haha... only has the first season on there right now (6 episodes) but yeah, when they started getting the AMC stuff I was pumped. Hopefully they pass on The Killing though. Have heard that show will devour your soul. And not in a good way.
  8. If you buy a lot of stuff online (or want to start doing so) get Amazon Prime. $79 for a year and you get free 2-day shipping on anything Prime-eligible, $3.99 next day shipping per item on anything Prime-eligible and access to all of their instant streaming stuff. I don't use the instant streaming because it's not on my Xbox 360 or WDTV Live but if you're watching stuff on a laptop/your computer a lot anyway then it might be worth it. Their library is as big as Netflix's now if not bigger. They just need to get on more devices.
  9. Netflix is better for TV shows/documentaries. The last movie I watched on Netflix was Limitless I think. Like 2 months ago, bored out of my mind. But it has Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Lost, etc. I'd probably get rid of it if I were the only one using my account but right now my parents use it and my sister and her husband are watching stuff on there all the time so for $8/month I get to give them all a little something. SERIOUSLY. WTF is up with that? I did the Hulu Plus trial on Xbox 360 when the app for it was released and there were commercials and I just lol'd and never used it again.
  10. They're on Newegg today for $36 if you missed this one. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16874103258
  11. The first half of the season was done in the early summer under the disgruntled and eventually fired Darabont regime. The second half was finished in mid-November under a lot of new people.
  12. Will be interesting to see if they start moving a little faster here in the 2nd half of the season. Talking about the show with some other people yesterday and we realized... this was just the 2nd episode of the season that wasn't being handled by Darabont/his vision. Now that's not to blame Darabont for the awful first half of this season. He had a really cool idea for the season 2 premiere and was shot down by AMC due to budget concerns. He wrote the first episode (which, aside from Sophia running off like a stupid little cunt starting the most drawn out and boring story line ever, was pretty good) then maybe he just didn't give a shit anymore because he was pissed about the budget. We're now 2 episodes in under new show runners and there has been an improvement. We'll see what happens.
  13. Yeah, I'm paid through March 2014. Bought so many of these deals.
  14. Yeah, the 2 kids they got from Pickerington... Taco Charlton and Jake Butt. Taco Butt. Butt is actually ranked in the top 100 on Rivals but Rivals has about no one covering the midwest so I don't know how they gave him that evaluation. North almost never passes the ball and I think Michigan took him as a TE. If they took him as a DE he's no where near as good as any of the DE's OSU brought in in the 2012 class.
  15. Michigan got 8 commits over the weekend including 2 Pickerington kids. Neither had an OSU offer. One doesn't even start for his HS team most of the time (Taco Charlton). It's funny how excited they are that Hoke "stole" these kids right from under Urban's nose.
  16. I think it's somewhere around there. Like they were given the same budget for 13 episodes that they had last season for 6. Darabont's ideas for what he wanted the show to be were too big so AMC booted him. Last night was an improvement but that's not saying much. Still lots of dumb shit. Like the unnecessary saving of the kid in the town. I so wanted Herschel to just take out his pistol and pop him in the head.
  17. The refs swung back and forth all game. Bad for OSU, bad for UM, bad for OSU, bad for UM, bad for OSU. It was unfortunate that they swung bad for OSU at the end and nearly got Craft killed in the process.
  18. And on the OSU recruiting front, TE Mike Heuerman out of FL is in town today for a visit. Obviously, he's the younger brother of OSU TE Jeff Heuerman. He's probably a top 3 TE prospect in the country. Got his OSU offer today and will be a Buckeye. Since everyone was looking for the next Percy Harvin, here's the next Aaron Hernandez. :gabe:
  19. The kids involved are fucked. They sold drugs to undercover cops. It's just 4 kids but 1 was a starter, another was the team's leading tackler in 2010 (sat out last season with an injury) and I don't know the other 2. I hope the NCAA stays out of it. They have enough on their plate. They should have stayed out of the PSU thing as well at least until all the dust settled. Granted they haven't really "done" anything, coming out and making statements including terms like "lack of institutional control" was inappropriate IMO.
  20. FSU is 1-5 and VT is 1-4 (think 1-5 if you count their BE BCS appearance). There's the 2 wins. Miami has not even been to a BCS bowl as a member of the ACC...lol. Really curious to see what kind of sanctions they get for their crap if anything. Their stuff and Oregon's have both just fallen completely off the radar. I think the media wore itself out a bit going after OSU.
  21. The ACC is 2-13 in BCS bowls. They simply know not to talk shit when it comes to football really. Until FSU or Miami can get their shit together they'll continue to bite their tongue. The Big East became respectable when Rutgers, WVU and Louisville were doing some interesting things but none of them had staying power except for WVU (kinda) and they're leaving...lol.
  22. nevada said it's not Floyd. Really have no idea. nevada said the kid is so good that he'd tell him to stick it out and leave early for the NFL and that's what people around the kid are telling him as well but the kid really wants to come to OSU. Also, looks like Sheridan is out as an assistant, taking the DC job at Tampa Bay. And the Packers tried to get Drayton a couple weeks ago for some assistant position but he turned them down. Time for another assistant search...lol.
  23. Jesus... people keep flocking to this extremely mediocre show. Mid-season premiere netted 8.1 million viewers.
  24. It's interesting because any kid who would rate a "9" is obviously very good. They leave their school, come here and sit out the year OSU is banned from post-season play then jump right into the mix for hopefully a title run in 2013.
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