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Everything posted by Erica

  1. I am a student at the Paul Mitchell Academy, we are hosting a fashion show on March 12th at Sugar bar downtown. All of the proceeds go to the Andrew Gongez foundation and everyone with a flyer (Handed out by me) will get in for free. The show starts at Midnight and will run untill about 2 am. The show will feature classic, modern and future hairstyles. I am a stylist in the show and would love to see all of you there! Speacials on drinks will be avaliable! Its a great cause and will be a great time. If anyone is interested in being a model for the show let me know asap... PLease PM me for more info and to get a flyer! Thanks! http://www.paulmitchelltheschool.com/pmsp/andrew_gomez/index.cfm
  2. Erica

    Dear Autoxqt

    oh thanks, they look so hot covered in salt! Hey honey, I WAS A WRX OR AN STI!
  3. i am bringing nicole if we go!
  4. Mmmmm Winking Lizard...yumyum
  5. tonight early...like 8-8:30ish?
  6. Welcome to CR, love the spoilerless look!
  7. No woman will ever be truely satisfied on vday becuase no man has a chocolate penis wrapped in money that ejaculates diamonds!
  8. My bday is the 12th and then vday the 14th....hmmm YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN! Maybe if he does somthing for me on vday then i'll actually do somthing for him on steak and bj day! !!!
  9. im good with 9 maybe we will bring some peeps from Pat's birthday group!
  10. Same place as last time?
  11. oops, Sean keeps leaving his profile up on my computer so I repeat, I NEED to meet you! And drive your car!
  12. Erica

    Phone help please

    so is the HTC or the Motorola better?
  13. Erica

    Phone help please

    I also hear that the battery life on the droid is really low...
  14. Erica

    Phone help please

    is the andriod a type of technology or just the phone name?
  15. I am up for upgrade soon and am trying to deside what kind of phone I want. I really like the HTC touch pro2 and the motorola driod. Which phone is better? Any sugresstions would be great! I DO NOT want another blackberry!
  16. Welcome to CR, Great intro~
  17. Travis Barker = SEXY! (I do believe I have said this before!)
  18. Your a nerd, your swiper of pictures! Hi Brad, Welcome to CR!
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