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Everything posted by Erica

  1. Me:When can I "Tap" that? Paul: Did you get permission from Sean? If so I'll meet you in 5! Me:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Paul:I missed the funny? So I should'nt come over? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  2. Right, but I'm sure NONE of those owners would let a girl they don't know crawl all over there car! AND I couldn't find an eldorado anywhere!
  3. Hey guy, I am about ready to graduate from Columbus state and I am currently doing my capstone(kinda like a thesis) to graduate! I am costuming a play called "How I Learned to Drive" and need a few cars for my lead girl to do a photo shoot on for a backdrop. I was wondering if anyone had one of these cars and would be willing to meet up to have her pose on the car! The car's in the play are: 1970 Eldorado******THIS IS THE ONE I NEED MOST!****** 1956 Bel air (the more stock looking the better) and about this era Buick Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!
  4. hey! How have autox's been for you? You seemed to be doing really well last time!
  5. Why don't we just call it COLUMBUS FBODY RACING? Welcome to CR...Where did you take your pics they are pretty sweet!
  6. Welcome to CR, enjoy your stay~
  7. Soo why is Craig the main topic of every new girl's thread on this site? Kind of funny!
  8. Welcome Kelly! I have just started racing shifter karts with scca! You should come out this year, we only have two in the ladies class! Hope to meet you soon... ps- watch out for the leghumpers!
  9. sean and i may stop by sounds like ffun! when is Doc's thingg>?
  10. Erica


    I am going to try to go with the car(Mr2 or my civic)...Karts are not welcome for driver school are they?
  11. Erica


    I second that!
  12. Erica


    I'll be driving a kart for the first time! HELP!
  13. Erica

    new guy

    Welcome to CR...Cadi to a rustang huh? Interesting!
  14. Erica

    New Girl

    Welcome to CR! Enjoy your stay
  15. We will be there... nametags for crossle and I? lol
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! HAVE A GOOD ONE! haha
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