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Everything posted by shotgun

  1. hush ur mouth slave. Y else do u think I didnt have my license my whole senior year in highschool ?
  2. you will have a pm when I get off of work. I had a similar problem before
  3. That sucks. I'm always around that area soo I'll keep a eye out for that little fuckhead
  4. the cts is a nice car and a couple of people I know with them never had any problems with them but as far as the Lincoln ls that car is trash. They have soo many problems it ridiculous. Plus they suck in the snow. My cousins ls couldn't make it up a small incline with a light dusting of snow on the ground
  5. I wanted to go to this sooo bad but work owns me until 9pm
  6. On a side note nick & norah's infinite playlist is funny as hell
  7. thanks for the suggestions, I'll check into them now
  8. Well im looking for a good lawyer to help me with my custody battle. Any suggestions will be great. My daughters mom is trying to keep me from being in my daughter's life and I want to do things the legal way. Right now the odds are in my favor and she knows it and thats the reason she won't take me to child support because she knows that I will get whatever I want soo any suggestions would help. Im taking friday saturday and maybe monday off to search around. If anyone needs to get in touch with me just pm me or phil and tell him to give you my number. I dont get off work until 9 soo I'll check back then.
  9. shotgun

    Hang overs

    make a lot of scrambled eggs and put a ton of hotsauce on them (franks red hot hotsauce) and water too.
  10. Im down for this and this time mike I'll stay there and I wont steal phils car
  11. I have an 04 with about 135k miles on it right now that I beat the shit out of everyday (ask phil) and the biggest issue I had with it so far was a wheel bearing that I broken over the winter time. No major problems yet. Maybe I'm lucky
  12. haha i jus seen this thread. Phil you and paul need to kiss and make up :gay:
  13. triple because I'm bored at work
  14. Im not that fresh. I've been around u ass wipe
  15. hahaha fuck you lil nuts
  16. I might have an i880 for sale pretty soon. It has a couple of stratches on it from being in my pocket with my keys. What price you looking to spend ?
  17. They were probably thinking " yea thats my bitch for tonite" lol. You know us skinny people dont have a chance in jail
  18. Is to a 2ohm dvc or 4ohm dvc ?
  19. shotgun

    TV or xbox?

    "service plan" that sounds like best buy lingo lol. Calibration might help but the majority of the calibration has to do with saving power.
  20. When you walked in, did everyone scream fresh meat ?
  21. Soo getting some vagina is a bad thing ?
  22. Brian u wanna race me in that 40-60 yard run ?
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