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Everything posted by shotgun

  1. shotgun

    really CPD?

    me too lol. Her sister kim had a crush on me since forever ago. thats priceless
  2. depending how u much i get (if i get any) credit card payments and maybe window tints
  3. shotgun

    B.I.G Fight!

    go once all the super little fuckers get kicked out for being underage
  4. truth except I got to work 6am to 2:30 pm
  5. In to watch...I need a fast car:(
  6. LMAO this thread should have the :nws: logo on it just for pure humor. I have a couple of coworkers looking at me like im crazy from laughing too much
  7. Sorry to hear about this tyler. I thought my luck was running bad this month. Anything I can do just pm me.
  8. I challenge u to a duel sir.
  9. shotgun

    Xbox 360 help

    Is there any way to make the 360 get the RROD ?
  10. shotgun

    Xbox 360 help

    Ok soo my xbox took a nice shit on me a couple of weeks ago. I called tech support and they told me since I didnt get the RROD my xbox wasnt under warranty (even tho I had it less than a year). Its not putting out any audio/video from the regular connection and also the componet connection either. I tried with a different tv and it still doesnt work. Anyone got any ideas or know anyone that can fix it. thanks
  11. Clearly didnt say katzenmoyer was in jail
  12. x1 plus isnt the women to men ratio like 5:1
  13. chase is hiring part time too. Its four days a week and about 32 hours a week
  14. brandon and tyler, you hoes got emails
  15. My fault lol. Cleared
  16. We dont like them uncolored kind at chase j/k pm me ur email
  17. Brandon are you on ur phone or on the computer ? If ur on the computer I'm about to send u a email for a couple of positions at chase
  18. OMFG Im uber cool. I know where the location is:D
  19. Every time I walk up or down steps I have to count them and also I had a bad habit of multiplying numbers in my head for no reason
  20. shotgun

    sam sam sam

  21. If I lose any weight I might disappear but if anyone wants to go running in reynoldsburg let me know. Im always up for a good run.
  22. Congrats I remember wat it was like to look at my daughter for the first time. Makes u realize a lot in life
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