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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Patterson

    7/22 HOT!

    I think your accounts need merged. Sadly installing new trans tonight.
  2. Exactly what I had hoped for.
  3. Patterson

    I spy Cr lol

    My Tranny makes plenty of money. Call it my Sugar Tranny. And.......Fail
  4. : insert parental rant here : That being said you take the good days with the bad days. Personally as frustrating as it is when my son has a meltdown I know he's still my son, and we have to work a little harder at times but he loves his mother and I, and we will always love him. It leaves a boatload of tension in the house between himself and his siblings at times but we work through it. It's not a reason not to have kids. That is a decision you make early on that you're not the parenting type and you devote your life to other activities.
  5. There has been shit talking and ribbing on here forever. I've been off and back on since '03, and it hasn't changed a bit. Simply people getting older and grumpier (or is it butt hurt?). It's the running joke on every single forum. The internets is serious business. In 6 or 8 years the current crop will complain about the newbs and the cycle will start over again. Go look at some of the oldest threads in the kitchen. It's a great history lesson for those that complain that the "Trolls" have/are ruining CR.
  6. What an odd color to try and match. I'd say maybe a lighter gunmetal, or even a black chrome. I think I would stay away from any heavy metallic colors. Maybe something similar to whatDoc did with his Bent. would be cool. Do a machined face, with the spokes color matched to the body color.
  7. Just went through that about 30 minutes ago with the 12yr old.
  8. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MF6IHMcN2_8/TWZyvQiL2BI/AAAAAAAAAyQ/lmKBmFBS8B8/s1600/Pedo+Bear+%25282%2529.jpg
  9. Whats the part number off of the manifold?
  10. Patterson

    I spy Cr lol

    Nice an smooth, just like a secretarys car should be.
  11. Patterson

    I spy Cr lol

    I spy Phil: http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n28/98saleen/BrokenT56Vipershaft.jpg
  12. Patterson

    I spy Cr lol

    That thing is a manual? As slow as that thing is shifted I thought for sure it was an Auto.
  13. Get it appraised. Not by some janky used car dealer, or hole in the wall garage. Another option is look what was spent to get where you are and add or subtract X%.
  14. He has to wear a wig. True story.
  15. Wow, just wow. Balls of Steele
  16. Put a Top Loader in it. For you kiddies that a 4 speed manual. Look it up...
  17. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50264_116744111698684_275081_n.jpg
  18. I thought he was a Carpenter. Oh wait... I see what you did there.:gabe:
  19. All this attention everyone only looks at the pictars. Nobody reads anymore.... +1 for a nice ride anyways..
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