Oh the ironing...
Just last week you were rubbing sand in your vag over slide show he made. Which was funny. Get over it.
"Bwaaaaaa you brought kids into this!"
If you had you kept your pubes encrusted mouth shut nobody would have know that was your kid. It would have been taken as a random shot of a kid with a funny look on his face. Now this? You fucking hypocrites.
The both of you are full of fail on epic levels in your own ways. Get over it you cry babies. Neither of you are going to win any points with anyone who thinks they are "the shit" on here. You two trolled each other so hard you forgot that it was for a laugh.
Douchebag Pussies
I've got a pair of M&H Race Masters. 235/60-15 mounted on a pair of aluminum wheels. Come look at them and make me an offer. I won't be needing them anytime soon....
I am very unimpressed. Where was the Flashers to signify you won at the end Roy? Isn't that a rule in Honda world? Furthermore, either of you get over 60? Phil, solid B-.