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Posts posted by Patterson

  1. i'll never understand the volkswagen community..


    rusted hoods, rusted everything.. cheap looking vehicles.


    yes i know i drive a honda, but i do not support any of those dumbass fads..


    hellafunctional > hellaflush


    Because Hondas are luxury vehicles.....


    VW people are fucking gay


    Don't be mean, but if you pay enough I might give you a reach around....


    how my car is functional? because i do not go through oil pans, sets of tires, etc..


    pretty self-explanitory


    It's an Accord. The poster car for 40 somethings everywhere.


    It's an Accord /thread.




    The truth.


    +rep for Farkas

  2. That was back when they did shit. As if the rest of his career wasn't enough, they send him to Vietnam. Dude is bad ass. On the other hand, how ironic would it have been if his 'chute failed?


    This dude is bad-ass end of story.

  3. You owe this cop a case of beer. Seriously.


    If she is cheating on you BEFORE you are married, she obviously would have after. He got her to cheat and leave you before the marriage happened, resulting in far less mess, and letting you see what kind of person is before taking the plunge.


    It's not his fault - it is hers.




    If that's not enough go ATM with the wife and send him the vid.

  4. Cocksuckingmotherfuckingsonofabitchdickinthebootieholeasseatingtaintsniffinggoddampussyfartingdude



    If u can figure out what this says ill give u $2O via paypal



    CR should be better?:confused:

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