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Posts posted by Patterson

  1. Nope, done. When I allow him back on, and if the ban is lifted he will apologize to everybody he was a dick to, which was pretty much everyone. Four bans in one night. I think that is a record. On that note we should let him back in......
  2. Youre right. I bought all chinese grade A parts. I wasnt able to afford the overnight shipping from China tho.


    I know you have been dieing to use that, but geez....:rolleyes:


    i won, got paid an the car never moved so me



    It moved Up 3 inches onto a fourth jack stand..

  3. I am looking for a new job, i would like to get something in the automotive industry, if there are any garages that need a mechanic or even just somebody to run parts and sweep floors. I am a student at Ohio State and have classes until 11:30 M-F but can work anytime after that. Weekends work too.


    Even if the job is not automotive related i will entertain anything. My current job pays 7.55 / hour and it is not cutting it, so i need something soon.


    If you need a resume or skills / experience PM me and i will gladly get you what you need.





    Well it's not Automotive, but I've got three open corners you could work.

  4. Another good option is a guy on the west side by the name of Eric Grimes. He's a mechanical engineer with a small machine shop. His work is top quality and probably less expensive than most would be. If nothing else I recommend you talk with him about your project. This guy has forgotten more about going fast than I will ever know. All I have is his work email address. Let me know and I'll PM it to you.


    +eleventybillion for Eric. He's one of my customers.

  5. 106.7 is the best Rock station in C-bus, 99.7 fricking sucks, 105.7 is second.


    Best Morning show is 610! All this other bob and tom, opie the muppet or whatever the hell his name is sucks.


    106.7, 107.1, 610 FTW




    Although, my refusal to listen to local radio because 99% of it sucks, and being too lazy to buy the A/I-net cable for my H/U has forced me to keep listening to Toxicity over and over.

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