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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Patterson


    Hm, Pics please, thank you, you're welcome.
  2. Let the guy you brought up to the shop know. I wanna get him in.
  3. Patterson


    It's so cold in the D.
  4. Nice intro Welcome. F-Body LOL
  5. Patterson


    Hurt when you're hit by them.
  6. What about horns and lights?
  7. 1,142,714 people have been diagnosed with aids in America. Correction, 1,142,715 people. TL;DR
  8. That car is bad ass, bu not 11,500 bad ass.
  9. What do you mean by "You people"?
  10. Do you have a vacuum gauge? Check the vacuum at idle with the car warmed up. Report back.
  11. Change the Power Valve, Check your Float levels to make sure they are in spec.
  12. Why do you want to kill Hookers?
  13. http://killingbirdswithstones.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/offensive-wallpapers-she-poops-from-there.jpg?w=785
  14. It would likely sell quicker if I had it running.
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