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Posts posted by Patterson

  1. I'd be inclined listen to the sole Lambo owner in this thread (And maybe Bob). If there is an opportunity to be had, take it. If it's not a good fit, oh well move on. It's called progress. The only reason I'm still in Central Ohio is my family. I've had to pass on several opportunities. If the situation were different with my kids we would be long gone.
  2. Assuming the block is in good shape, and it's all there I would price it in the 5-700 range. Really that's just the block and crank. With parts being readily available today as they are Rods, Pistons, heads etc will get tossed in favor for aftermarket pieces.
  3. The guy is selling off all he can, it seems. He is presumably in financial survival mode. CR watches, and relishes in the irony of his arrogance, to what he is going through.


    So on the flip side, what if you had to go through a catastrophic life style change? That's all I'm asking. The flip side is, the members here don't have the lies, business, and deception as factors for my question to them.



    Here is my honest admission to this thought. I've done it. I'm on the tail end of it now. It sucks. Personally, catastrophic doesn't even come close to categorizing it. If you're not prepared when life throws shit in your face it's a tough storm to weather.



    His problem was his own arrogance. I think he was legitimately mislead, drank the kool-aid, and took it to a whole new level. That was his undoing. Do I feel bad for him? No. If he were as smart as he claims, it would never have transpired the way it did.

  4. Seriously?


    I text the dude two fucking times and he went full lunatic. Just yesterday he was fine. It's not my issue he can dish it out (ban me for fun) and not take it (me text him), it's his. He said to leave him alone one time and I have done that. When he is in a better mood he has my number.


    Eh, he blocked me on FB. I was a little hurt by that. Although I'm not sure how I would react if someone said they wanted to reenact two girls one cup on my chest. Take it in stride and fire back.


    Maybe the crankiness is from his back pain. That would make the Pope smack Jesus.

  5. Forgive my ignorance, is this "investor" associated with IPS or CTD?


    EDIT: LOLOLOL I read the thread further and it looks like our good friends the McMongoloids were the investors. They're airing out dirty laundry in the comments, what a pair of useless fucks. Best wishes to Eric & Carla I don't know them personally but everything I've ever read here paints them to be the salt of the earth.



    It amazes me how fickle.people are. Clearly they have not been involved in a start-up before. Some people can't avoid drama. Clearly the Mongoloids fit that bill.

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