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Everything posted by ForeverMaker

  1. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/29/AbandonThread.gif
  2. You would figure they would have the money for a better website.
  3. Welcome. I believe I have seen you around. I work off of Shier Rings.
  4. I love how the cop says "clean your life up." Uhh.. He's in a lambo. He must be doing something right.
  5. "Mudcrutch" is one of Tom Petty's bands from the early 70s that eventually became Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. I actually run the largest Petty fan site at http://www.mudcrutch.com Sidenote: Tom Petty did a reunion album and tour with Mudcrutch -- management tried to buy my domain. I declined. I use it as a screen name because it is an obscure reference to TP & the Heartbreakers and I am obviously a fan.
  6. Are you friends with a guy that has an orange integra?
  7. You may need a steering rack spacer. Does it happen over a bump at all?
  8. I should probably do a separate thread on it with a price, etc. But it is a true '69 SS. It was a 7/10 when he got it. He had it professionally restored further and as it sits now it is probably a 9.8/10.
  9. I like to keep things pretty low maintenance... http://i42.tinypic.com/1zfpobc.jpg
  10. You won't be happy with FWD. Supercharge your Mustang and be done with it.
  11. New price: $6500 Call Brian at 937.207.8567 between 9 am and 9 pm. New photos: (Taking offers on the '69 too ) http://lh3.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/S9cLgyyEqII/AAAAAAAAEZw/aDcoxia0Sb0/s800/P4170295.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/S9cLhjs-10I/AAAAAAAAEZ0/vve0WFa7HkY/s800/P4170296.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/S9cLiR-_MzI/AAAAAAAAEZ4/ERAyRNmgubc/s800/P4170297.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/S9cLi23VC2I/AAAAAAAAEZ8/9yA-FzAtnko/s800/P4170300.JPG
  12. Yea sure. Although your seats would probably be more comfortable on a long trip. Maybe I can use Doc's old man pad.
  13. Well we would save a lot of money on gas... and we would go faster.
  14. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2010/04/25/2010-04-25_crooks_made_my_car_speed_freak_and_then_i_got_it_back.html
  15. So we are taking my car? lol...
  16. fuuuuuuuuu... http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp132/PGHSteelers/National%20Trails%204-23-10/P1010053.jpg what did the cobalt run? http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp132/PGHSteelers/National%20Trails%204-23-10/P1010056.jpg
  17. They don't look that bad: (well this is the GT500) http://i43.tinypic.com/15d42v9.jpg
  18. In TX now.. could swing by and test drive it for you.
  19. This might help: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=861535&postcount=2
  20. Finally we can stop hearing the sheep always saying "Oh but it can't multitask!" (Just like copy/paste.)
  21. If you let me know what else you would like to see more detail of I will pass the message along. I don't have any others at the moment. Thanks.
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