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Everything posted by ForeverMaker

  1. Check out this recall and make sure it has been taken care of on your car: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/02/gm-recall-2010-13-million_n_481873.html
  2. big misconception. they came in a SS trimline NA. the SS/SC's and TC's have different wheels/body kits. Most SS's you see are NA. (and look goofy in my opinion)
  3. Say it ain't so. No more gaming?
  4. Ugh console people I am assuming? For the PC peeps -- preload on steam. Waiting in line is so 2001.
  5. ForeverMaker


  6. Got a public link with the pics, etc.? I would like to send to people but they can't view CR.
  7. And the bad reviews are rolling in.. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/112/1127112p1.html Game play videos don't look that great either. Pass.
  8. can you restore to an earlier date? that should help because it will literally bring your system files back to a previous time.
  9. I am sure pggp will be in here any second with a full report.
  10. ForeverMaker

    Ohio State

    Ohio is tough to spell.
  11. Get your kid a gaming rig. Consoles are for kiddies.
  12. Security Essentials is misidentifying some ad stuff on sites as malware. Generally this is on a few popular adult-oriented sites. Don't ask why I know. You can allow it or just deal with cleaning it every time.
  13. No, everyone got trolled hard.
  14. no I went Saturday morning when I knew the hoodlums would be sleeping.
  15. I added a mic to make it seem like he is in a band. http://i38.tinypic.com/2m4vxip.jpg
  16. Finally got a chance to go down and take some pics. I didn't realize the tracks got used so much. Five trains came by while I was down there. The noise of the highways can hide the noise of an oncoming train! If anyone wants to go I would be willing to go again. I probably wouldn't go alone in the future. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/THnMA5beBvI/AAAAAAAAE7M/mXUKh9txxcQ/s800/DSC_0578.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/THnLmGLjr7I/AAAAAAAAE6g/P8bisKdkZgg/s800/DSC_0558.JPG View complete album - CLICK HERE
  17. Did you just drag the folder over the new one? That will overwrite it unfortunately.
  18. Actually, why be cryptic about it... Here is the Google Docs link for anyone that is interested. This is actually a decent list to keep handy when you have people in from out of town and are looking for something to do.
  19. I have a 4-page word doc of stuff to do in (and around) Columbus for under $20 that I just put together for a random project at work. What is your email address?
  20. http://www.roadandtrack.com/tests/comparison/a-time-for-turbos
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